Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Never A Dull Moment!!

 It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks, Gwyn played her first tournament on her little All-Star team.  Jacob played his last tournament of the Spring season.  Annie busted her face on the fireplace...note to self...forehead vs fireplace...fireplace wins every time.  Gwyn knocked her other front tooth out, so now she has a beautiful smile to match her sister.  Gwyn performed in her dance recital to Happy....all the girls had missed the last 3 of 4 weeks due to softball, so the performance was extra special:)  Annie had pre-K water day at school, a fun time outside experiencing all types of water activities.  We actually surveyed 10 games between last Saturday and Sunday, yes, 10 ball games in those two single days.  Gwyn had 6 and Jacob had 4...Annie tagged along and got to go to a birthday party in between...such a trooper!  Loving this crazy life but so anxious for school to be out!!

Gwyn hit a walk-off home run to score the winning run and win the game:

 My little Warrior pitched his best game ever!!

 Pre-K water day for Annie, she absolutely LOVED it!

 At last, that other top front tooth came out...only sad thing is that she lost it at school and then she was playing with it on the bus ride home and lost it on the bus...shockingly the tooth fairy still delivered!!
 Annie wanted her picture taken with her sister:
Pre-K Field trip to the Aquarium...Annie loved it.  

 We got to see the white tiger eat lunch...a bund hot raw hamburger meat!

 Annie, go upstairs and brush your teeth.  She proceeds to hop like a frog, lost her footing and went head first into the fireplace.  Gushing blood, threw her in the car without shoes on, and off we went to get her face glued up...luckily Jason had come out for dinner and watched Jacob and Gwyn for me since Brian was working late.  Poor thing!

 It is getting HOT in Houston!  We've been in the pool it seems every single day...these kids are becoming fish!
 LOVE these three!
 Memorial Day weekend bike ride!

 Gwyn's hip-hop/jazz dance recital:

Gwyn is just beautiful...inside and out.
Video of the dance:

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