Monday, June 13, 2016

School's Out For SUMMER!!

These are some happy is out for the summer...we now have a 1st, 3rd and a 5th grader!  Been a very busy last few weeks, we are ready for some summer fun!

 Last day of school, Boogie Down Brittmoore, the whole community lines the streets to nail the 5th graders with water balloons!

Boogie Down:

 This pic even made it in a community website!

 The second to last day of school, Annie got to be Teacher for the Day...she was so happy!

 This is Annie's list of birthday party invitees in October...I had to let Carter's mom know he made the list, ha!
 Haircuts and dentist appointments the first week out of school,  whoo hoo!

 Annie's team made the community magazine!

 They wanted to be called Steak and Chicken the rest of the day...we rode bikes to Taco Cabana for lunch.

 Girls were playing with friends, so Jacob and I had a lunch date...his choice...chili dog and chili cheese fries from Freddy's!
 What a hard life...
 Annie fell asleep like this on the floor:
 This one lost her first official tooth (the natural way, as in not knocked out), she had been working on it for awhile, eating lots of whole apples, then hit herself in the face with a softball throwing it up in the air and it worked!

 Gwyn had her dance recital to Ease on Down the pretty!

 Gwyn with her dance teacher:

Video of the performance:

Fun with friends:
 Baseball pics!

 Softball galore!

 Have you ever seen something cuter than this??

 She even has her hand behind her back like her brother:

A few videos of Annie and Jacob;

 We survived, 14 games between the three kids from Friday night at 6 pm to Sunday at 11:30 am...

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