Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pool Time

We have been relaxing and having fun around the house. It is REALLY hot here, so we're up at the pool quite often, and I got these two short little videos of the kids. I feel pretty comfortable taking them both to the pool by myself now, but I don't know what I'll do next summer when I have 3! I recently had to start driving a little further to a different grocery store just because they have these grocery carts that are a little wider and have two seats for two kids in the front, otherwise, I've ususally got one kid in the front, one riding in the back and I either pile groceries up on the bottom of the cart or they are inside the cart with one kid getting stepped on and smashed.

Our home phone has been out for a few days, Brian was trying to fix something else on our cable and it got messed up somehow, but he tells me he is going to fix it soon, so if you try to call us, then try my cell phone and our internet is working so you could email too.

On another note, Jacob is officially done with naps, but we have instituted a "quiet time" where he will sit and watch a couple of cartoons. He will generally sit by himself for about 45 minutes, which gives me time to do a quick sweep of the house, start laundry, finish up dishes, get things laid out for dinner, etc., but he still likes someone to be with him, so he comes and asks me to watch Diego together, so I guess that is good for me because it gives me another 30 minutes or so of just sitting on the couch, which I need because I'm starting to get very tired already! My third trimester has officially started, so it won't be long til our new baby girl is here! Jacob asked the other day how we were going to get that new baby out with the funniest expression on his face, and I just told him we were going to go to the doctor.

Jacob starts preschool, three days/week in September. He goes 4 hours on Mondays and Fridays and 5 hours on Wednesdays, he loved school last year, so we are hoping this year goes just as well. Plus, now that he is really talking quite well, we're hoping he just improves even more when he is around other 3 year olds and they are talking all the time.

Here is Jacob at the pool, he loves the waterfall:

Here is Gwyn at the pool, she just loves to splash and crawl around in the shallow end of the kids pool with her head above the water like a little frog:

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