Tuesday, September 22, 2009

All Aboard!

Rick and Sue were down last weekend and we went up to Zube Park for a train ride. Jacob loved it and afterwards when we were driving to the park for a picnic lunch, he said "Mommy, I need to tell you something." I asked him what and he said, "I want to ride that train again." We waited in line for about 30 minutes, but by the time we left the line was past the 90 minute mark, so there was no way we were all going to last for another ride. It was fun. Here is a picture from the ride itself, it was pretty long and lasted between 10-15 minutes and went through the woods.
Here are a couple of pictures of the kids at the park, they love the park, which is why we frequent them weekly, especially now that the weather has finally broken!

I did get to see Christina and Murray's new baby, Tyler this week, he's so cute and just tiny! I can't believe we are going to have another one 5 weeks from today! Sue helped me clean out Gwyn's closet, so I now have some room to store/hang some things for the new baby, so at least I feel like I'm making some progress. I've also accumulated (over the past 2 weeks) a jumbo pack of size N, size 1, and size 2 diapers, so I'm at least feeling like I'm doing something to get prepared! Here is a picture of her new things:
I thought Gwyn looked so cute in this outfit that Rick and Sue had gotten her and she's wearing a bow that Erika Mulsow made her. Of course I took at least 15 pictures and not one of her smiling!
Jacob's new favorite word of the week is awesome, it was pretty funny, but he also learned the word stupid, which wasn't so funny. He is just talking so much and he says he LOVES everyone and everything so much. He loves his kids shows, he loves us, he loves Gwyn, he loves chocolate milk, he loves his dog??, he loves his books, etc. He also asked Brian why God made him. Oh, and miraculously after correctly him constantly, he now says please and thank you and no thank you for just about everything, and everytime he does I make such a big deal about how nice he is that he just keeps doing it! Oh, and I got a call from his teacher, and when I saw it pop up on caller ID, I thought, great, what did he do, and she was calling to tell me how good he was and even used the word angel (to which I couldn't contain my laughter), but it did make me feel good that she went out of my way to let me know how well he was doing in class. Oh, and since there is another Jacob in his class, he's learned his last name, which he thinks is Katahungry!
Gwyn loves Dora and she is constantly saying "Oh Man!" which is what Sniper the sneaky fox says (Jacob calls him the stinky fox). It is hilarous and I've got to get a video of her repeating it. She still loves pigs and dancing, when any music comes on she says "dance!" and starts shaking it. She also wants to be first at everything. I made the mistake of telling Jacob to get up into the car first, and ever since then she demands to be first at everything, especially with the book she has picked out to read.
We got this video of Jacob riding his John Deere tractor. John and Claudia got it for him when he was 1, and it is still getting constant use. It is also a favorite toy for Gwyn, but she's not near as fast as Jacob, and yes, he has crashed before, but surprisingly it didn't do too much damage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the things that three year olds say! I'm excited your new baby girl will be here soon! Jacob and Gwyn will seem SOO big!