Sunday, September 27, 2009

Snakes and Super Jacob!

This picture is of the kids watching Dora...they are addicts.

Today we went to a snake birthday party...yes, there were real, live snakes there and surprisingly, Jacob held one! My friend Julie came late to the party so that she could miss the snakes, and she asked Jacob about the snakes and he told her there were big ones and little ones. He liked the little ones, and wanted nothing to do with the big ones. Gwyn even reached out and pet one once, I was a little nervous, but I kept my distance! Jacob said the snake was trying to lick him.

Jacob prefers to be called "Super Jacob" and he wears his Spiderman mask (which he will be for Halloween) and his cape that Emily made him for his birthday every single day. He runs in, puts his hands on his hips and says "SUPER JACOB!" It is pretty funny. One funny thing this week is that he though some shrimp and crabboil mix (basically salt and cayanne pepper mix) was like fundip and tried didn't turn out like he expected, and I figured his mouth burning was punishment enough for getting into it after I told him to go put it up.

Brian started on some of the furniture for Gwyn's room and Jacob LOVES being outside in the garage "helping." Brian gives him some scraps of wood, a tape measure, and a pencil, and he uses his toy hammer to build me a house, isn't that sweet! Here he is hard at work:

Gwyn likes to go out into the garage to see what is going on, but prefers to be inside with me, usually cleaning! She makes sure she gets in at least 50 books a day, and has no problem bringing a stack to sit in front of whoever comes over to visit. When Jason comes, she is relentless on him, and has him reading to her non-stop, the same book again, and again. I hardly got any pictures of Gwyn this week, she loves to say cheese when you take the camera out, but nothing holds her attention for too long (except for Dora), so here are the only two pictures I was able to get of her this week (she's big into juice and snacks):

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