Sunday, November 1, 2009

Annie's first two weeks

Well, we've had a fun past couple of weeks. Annie will be 2 weeks old on Tuesday. She is so precious and sweet and completes our family of 5! We can't imagine life without her. She really is (so far) the easiest baby we've had, so I'm crossing my fingers that she stays that way!!

Jacob and Gwyn are still in love with her, Gwyn gets all giggly everytime she touches her and now constantly says that Annie likes her. Jacob is still really gentle with her and likes to hold her, help give her a bath, and hug her.

We braved a trip to the pumpkin patch (we were there less than 10 minutes), and got a few pictures of the kids before things went crazy and the rain started.

We went to our church's Fall Festival on Friday, we lasted just over an hour, but the kids had fun, they had a petting zoo, hay ride, and lots of games. Gwyn just wanted Brian to hold her until she saw that after Jacob played a game he got to get candy...then she wanted to do every game. She knows how things work!

We let Jacob and Gwyn trick or treat in our neighborhood, well, kind of...they went to one house across the street, who gave them each a few handfuls of candy, and then came back and trick or treated at our own house, and Nana gave them some candy. We figured that was enough for this year...I'm sure next year we will have to expand the trick or treating, Jacob even said he wanted to go knock on more doors.

It was SO nice having my mom here for almost 2 weeks, she left today, but reinforcements have arrived! Sue came in today, and Rick comes in tomorrow, so I've got another 9 days of being able to take a nap during the day and catch up on sleep, and having help with cooking, cleaning, laundry, and errands. We love our family!!

1 comment:

The Sheltons said...

That house looks familiar :) Glad to hear my husband wasn't stingy with the candy.