Monday, December 14, 2009

12 Days of Christmas

On the 1st Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me….1 sweet precious baby named Annie.
On the 2nd Day of Christmas, wrapping presents gave to me…2 wrapping paper roll sword fighting kids in Christmas outfits, and a sweet baby named Annie. On the 3rd Day of Christmas, the mall gave to me….3 kids not happy to see Santa, 2 sword fighting kids, and a sweet baby named Annie. On the 4th Day of Christmas, nature supplied to me…4 precious hours of snow in Houston, 3 screaming kids at Santa, 2 sword fighting kids, and a sweet baby named Annie. On the 5th Day of Christmas, God gave to me…5 family members in front of the Christmas tree, 4 hours of snow, 3 screaming kids at Santa, 2 sword fighting kids, and a sweet baby named Annie. On the 6th Day of Christmas, my sweet kids gave to me…6 straight hours of long-missed sleep, 5 family members, 4 hours of snow, 3 screaming kids at Santa, 2 sword fighting kids, and a sweet baby named Annie. On the 7th Day of Christmas, John and Claudia gave to thee…7 nights of watching our new tadpoles, “Peachy” and “Tee,” 6 hours of sleep, 5 family members, 4 hours of snow, 3 screaming kids at Santa, 2 sword fighting kids, and a sweet baby named Annie. On the 8th Day of Christmas, my sweet Jacob gave to me…8 minutes of singing in his Christmas program, 7 nights of tadpoles swimming, 6 hours of sleep, 5 family members, 4 hours of snow, 3 screaming kids at Santa, 2 sword fighting kids, and a sweet baby named Annie.
On the 9th Day of Christmas, we sadly discovered…9 breakable “unbreakable” ornaments on the kids’ trees, 8 minutes of singing, 7 nights of tadpoles swimming, 6 hours of sleep, 5 family members, 4 hours of snow, 3 screaming kids at Santa, 2 sword fighting kids, and a sweet baby named Annie. On the 10th Day of Christmas, my good fortune gave to me…10 sweet friends to have a Sip N See for me and Annie, 9 breakable/unbreakable ornaments, 8 minutes of singing, 7 nights of tadpoles swimming, 6 hours of sleep, 5 family members, 4 hours of snow, 3 screaming kids at Santa, 2 sword fighting kids, and a sweet baby named Annie. On the 11th Day of Christmas, our Daddy gave to thee…11 perfectly decorated ornament cupcakes for Jacob’s snack at school, 10 sweet friends, 9 breakable/unbreakable ornaments, 8 minutes of singing, 7 nights of tadpoles swimming, 6 hours of sleep, 5 family members, 4 hours of snow, 3 screaming kids at Santa, 2 sword fighting kids, and a sweet baby named Annie.

On the 12th Day of Christmas, my sweet family gave to me…12 months of priceless memories, 11 ornament cupcakes, 10 sweet friends, 9 breakable/unbreakable ornaments, 8 minutes of dancing, 7 nights of tadpoles swimming, 6 hours of sleep, 5 family members, 4 hours of snow, 3 screaming kids at Santa, 2 sword fighting kids, and a sweet baby named Annie.


BrendaE said...

That was great Phoebe! I'm sooo impressed with Brian's cake decorating abilities. You've got a keeper in him. Your family is just adorable. Looking forward to seeing you guys at the wedding!

The Sheltons said...

be on the look out for the 12 days of Christmas on my blog now :) super cute!

Learning 4 Life said...

That was precious! Very creative, sentimental and funny!