Thursday, January 21, 2010

Annie is paid off!

The big news of the week....I wrote the last check for all the hospital bills and Annie is paid off and we officially own her! The weather has been super nice here, so we've had plenty of outside playtime. Jacob is getting super excited about Dad's night at his preschool on Monday, they have been working pretty hard on a special project, but it is a secret! At tadpoles, Jacob decorated a rock with hair, feet, eyes, nose, and mouth and named it Tiny...Gwyn shows it off to everyone and tells them it is Tiny. She also pulled the feet off and we had to re-glue those on.
I haven't taken any pictures this last week, so I uploaded all 3 of the kids in the bumbo seat at 3 months...they are all related, huh?
Jacob @ 3 months:
Gwyn @ 3 months:
Annie @ 3 months:

1 comment:

The Sheltons said...

Congrats on the paid in full status. Too bad that'll be one of the cheapest things you end up paying for :)