Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Top 50 Memorable Moments of 2009 (in no particular order)

  1. The birth of Annie Jaye.
  2. Seeing Annie smile.
  3. Watching the kids with their new baby sister.
  4. Watching the love develop between big brother and little sisters, Jacob will always be Annie and Gwyn’s protector, and they will always be his biggest fans.
  5. Cherishing each moment of little Annie’s first couple of months, they grow up so fast!
  6. Experiencing “the canon” from Annie.
  7. Annie, who is such a good baby, was once called a bad apple from both Brian and I (I think this was around 3 am on both instances!)
  8. Dressing Annie up in some of Gwyn’s newborn outfits.
  9. Hearing Annie coo for the first time.
  10. Barely fitting all 3 car seats into both of our cars…come on Brian, I need that Expedition!
  11. Watching Gwyn dance around in a tutu at her 1st birthday party.
  12. Listening to Gwyn count.
  13. Having the nursery worker at church say that if Gwyn cries they take her over to Jacob’s classroom because seeing Jacob makes her happy.
  14. Trip to the ER to get stitches in Gwyn’s finger (this one was NOT fun).
  15. Watching Gwyn turn into a Dora addict.
  16. Listening to Gwyn repeat everything you say.
  17. Gwyn sleeping in her big girl bed!
  18. Hearing Gwyn say, “I want to hold you.” When she wants you to hold her.
  19. Watching Gwyn gallop outside like a horse.
  20. Experiencing the wrath of Gwyn when I tried to take her pacifiers away…she still has them.
  21. Jacob turning 3.
  22. Jacob riding a bike with training wheels.
  23. Jacob speaking in full sentences!
  24. Hearing Jacob ask when Gwyn will get up from her nap because he misses her and wants to play with her.
  25. Watching “super Jacob” turn into Spiderman daily.
  26. Jacob being potty trained.
  27. Jacob’s Christmas Program at his preschool, where Annie was baby Jesus.
  28. Listening to Jacob tell Gwyn about Jesus.
  29. Jacob telling us the story of Jonah and the big whale.
  30. Telling stories to Jacob about when he was a baby before bed.
  31. Weekend getaway to Brenham for Brian and Phoebe (thank you Rick/Sue for watching the kids).
  32. Finding out we were pregnant with Annie.
  33. Trip to Tulsa to celebrate Gwyn’s 1st birthday.
  34. Trip to Florida to visit John and Claudia.
  35. Trip to Tulsa in June to visit family and friends…the kids had a blast with all the grandparents.
  36. Everyone dressed up in their Cardinals red for a baseball game in July.
  37. Trip to Tulsa for Christmas and Stacy’s wedding.
  38. Putting together Gwyn’s new room with all of Brian’s beautiful furniture he made for her.
  39. Taking all three kids to see Santa.
  40. Phoebe leaving her 20’s behind!
  41. Brian riding the MS150 from Houston to Austin.
  42. The kids dressed up as Spiderman / a puppy / and a little skeleton for Halloween.
  43. Celebrating Christmas and New Years with John and Claudia.
  44. Brian dancing with Gwyn at Stacy’s wedding.
  45. Leaving the kids with Jason while Brian and I went on a few date nights.
  46. Watching our house be consumed by toys and crunched up goldfish!
  47. Watching the kids run to the front door each day yelling “Daddy’s home!” (myself included!)
  48. Hearing Jacob and Gwyn pray.
  49. Watching Brian pack Jason’s car to/from Oklahoma with all our stuff…he’d so win “Top Packer” if there was a reality show like that!
  50. Thanking God everyday for our awesome kids.

This list was supposed to be Top 100 of 2009, but I ran out of time and energy to complete the list!

1 comment:

Lindsee said...

Good one! I'm so glad you didnt get to 100 - I was hoping to do something similar but just couldn't find the time. I also thought I'd do a video slideshow of pics from 2009. I just barely got by doing what I did.