Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Motley Crew

We, as usual, have had a "never a dull moment" week. Let's see what I can think of in my 15-minutes-of-weekly-blog-time-that-I-can-barely-squeeze-in-each-week that happened in the last week...Jacob's field trip at school to the fire station, a trip to the park for some fun with some friends which included Jacob saying that a tree "needed a drink" right before he peed on it, a trip to the dr for our second boosters of H1N1 vaccinations for Jacob and Gwyn, a burst sprinkler system valve due to our freeze last Saturday morning, a visit from Maddy and Erika where the kids had alot of fun playing together, a visit to my bible study kick off where we basically got kicked out after 30 minutes because Gwyn fell off a chair and wouldn't stop crying (only 5 minutes later as we are walking out the door to be laughing and gallopping out the door chasing Jacob), a epic breakfast of homeade crepes prepared by Jason, a birthday party for Carter and Cole, dinner with our Sunday school friends where Jacob chased their 3 older kids around the house with a toy bazooka gun, Annie's first taste of both a donut hole (by Jacob) and a piece of ice (on her neck from Gwyn...poor baby!) in the same day, dinner out...yes, I repeat...dinner (well, lunch) out with all 3 kids after church on Sunday at our favorite mexican spot (Lupe's) where Gwyn downed an entire order of guacamole and Jacob devoured cheese enchiladas, he's really good at twisting his fork to get ALL the cheese, and Annie slept the whole time!, daily outside playtime in the cul-de-sac, and of course our normal day to day trips, spills, spit ups, etc.

Here is sweet baby Annie and her beautiful smiles!

Maddy's visit: (and no, Jacob isn't picking his nose, he's touching it and this was the best picture of the 15 that were taken)

Gwyn gets lessons daily from Jacob on how things work to which she replies "O...K"

Jacob's trip to the fire station, the second shot was a right before he freaked out because while he was in the truck the other fire truck blew its horn and he thought he did it:

This is Gwyn with her Motley Crew...she is a hoarder and she hoards toys all over the house. Here are her favorites for this week...a tiny dinosaur, a pirate, a fairy, a fireman, and a chipmunk:

She is so cute!

1 comment:

Learning 4 Life said...

You are such a SUPER-MOM! You and your kids crack me up and wear me out at the same time :-) I love reading about all your adventures. You have 3 beautiful, precious babies!