Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Be My Valentine

Annie is growing fast, she will be 4 months this week and has learned a new trick...rolling over from her stomach to her back, where she gets stuck and then cries...fun for me in the middle of the night! She is such a sweet baby and loves to smile, especially at Jacob and Gwyn who are in her face non-stop. Brian says she is going to have some personal space issues later in life in that she will think it is totally normal to get right up in someone's face to smile and talk to them...I'm talking about maybe 1/4" from their nose. No wonder we keep passing on this long-lived runny nose between all 3 kids! Here is another pic of Annie, she is just so cute!
The kids enjoyed having their G and Grandpapa down for a 3 day visit this past weekend, and now we are experiencing the results of their withdrawl from not having them here. They are back to reality and are greatly missing a couple of extra people around to be their personal playmates, pirateship matey, doctor patient, lego partner, etc. Brian and I got a much needed break from getting up at 5:15 am for a couple of mornings, a big thank you to Rick and Sue! Gwyn and Jacob are EARLY risers, full of energy by 5:45 am every morning, and this is always after Annie has been up at least twice during the night, so I've been operating on fumes and it was nice to get to go back to bed until 8 am! We also got to go out to dinner on Saturday night, a rare and very nice occasion! One thing the kids LOVE to do is dance, we dance every night, usually while I'm making dinner and then after dinner. Rick and Sue got in on some action as well (Annie is picking up on it pretty fast!):
It was Jacob's valentine's party at school, and since I had signed up to coordinate it, I was there. The kids love it when their parents come to visit, and we had a great time...who wouldn't with pizza, juice, craft, game, and ice cream sundaes!
Jacob's favorite Valentine book (he loves his boots Claudia, and wears them ALL the time!):
It was a little cold and rainy throughout this past week, but we did take every opportunity that we could to get outside and let the kids play, even if it was 15 minutes here, or 30 minutes there. Below is some pictures when we were playing and it started to rain...no wonder my laundry is such an issue, I think they each had 3 outfits that day!

Here is sweet little Gwyn, we were waiting for Brian and Jacob to get home from the airport with G and Grandpapa:
"Hearts mean valentine," says Jacob. He and Gwyn got their fill of Valentine festivities especially with Rick and Sue visiting. They dipped strawberries in chocolate, which was a hit for everyone except for Gwyn who likes the process (except when she got anything on her hands), but wanted the chocolate taken off her strawberry so she could eat them plain. They are picking up on this holiday stuff, they seem to get presents and candy and they are all about that!

1 comment:

BrendaE said...

Your little Annie has the cutest big ole baby smile ever! Her whole little face lights us when she smiles. I know she is bringing more and more joy to your family.