Friday, February 19, 2010

Annie is 4 months!

Annie is 4 months old! She is growing fast and getting lots of personality. She smiles so big and lets you know when she isn't happy. Jacob is her little buddy, he told me the other day that Annie really likes spiderman and wanted to watch it on TV (I think he really thinks he's putting one over on us). He loves to talk baby talk to her and make her smile, but he does tattle on her when she pulls his hair or hits him in the face with her little balled up fists on accident. He tells her that isn't nice, too. He also let me know that when she chews on her fingers it means that she is hungry and he thinks she is hungry alot! Annie @ 4 months:
Gwyn @ 4 months:
Jacob @ 4 months:
Friday was pajama day at Jacob's school. He said his pajamas were the coolest ones there even though Matthew had motorcycles on his. He got to bring a flashlight and a pillow, and he said he really liked Matthew's mom because she brought batman fruit snacks and cheetos for snack....great, now I have to try to one up Matthew's mom next time it is my snack time...batman fruit snacks combined with cheetos is going to be very hard to beat...I might have to get my cupcake chef on board to create some spiderman cupcakes with Doritos AND juice boxes, top that Matthew's mom! Ha!
Being 4 months brings new tricks...Annie turning on her back from her stomach:
Annie pulling out her pacifier and saying "What's up? I'm so cool, I can take out my paci and then the real funny thing is that I cry until you put it back in because I haven't learned how to do that yet...maybe when I'm like another month older."
I put braids in Gwyn's hair for the first time, it was REALLY cute for the 45 minutes it lasted, but Em gave me a trick of doing it when it is wet to make it last longer, so we'll try that tomorrow:) I did have a hard time with her moving her head around, but I think I found a solution to that...put Dora on and she'll stare straight at the TV for the entire 20 minute show. She has lately been saying a bunch of spanish words thanks to Dora, I hear her counting and telling Jacob, "say uno, say dos, say tres" "arriba" "hola" "abuela" "azuel."
All 3 kids together on the couch. They are getting pretty smart, they ask for treats (one M&M or one skittle) after they smile for a picture. They know how to work you, and Jacob and Gwyn are like a little tag team. Oh, and Gwyn didn't get her other pigtail cut off with Jacob's pair of elephant safety scissors (although I'm sure that is going to happen very soon, since he decided to cut his pants with them the other day...they don't call him Mr. Scissors at school for nothing, he is supposedly the best "cutter" in his whole class), her pigtail just caught on the back of the couch...Here is another picture of Annie, she's been making this face alot. It is pretty funny in person.
Here are the kids while I was making dinner. Gwyn is a little upset because she asked for a pat of butter (I was slicing it to put on some garlic bread), so I gave her one, which she liked and ate it plain, then wanted another, and another, so after 3 pats of plain butter, I told her she had had enough, because I thought surely I was breaking some good-mom-guideline about feeding your kids straight butter, anyway, she was upset because she wanted more butter. I tried putting butter on the bread for her to eat it, but she can somehow eat all the spread on butter off of the bread without eating any bread itself, a technique she probably mastered while watching Jacob lick every ounce of icing off a cupcake while leaving the entire cupcake totally intact.

I let the kids each bring one toy in the car everytime we leave to go somewhere (you can imagine how my car looks). Anyway, we got in the car and pulled out and Gwyn realized that she forgot to bring a toy and Jacob had one of those talking chipmunks (mcdonald's happy meal toy), but we were already gone from the house and we weren't going far, so I told her she would just have to remember the next time. Then, all upset, I hear this over and over for the next 10 minutes "I got nothing." sniff, sniff "I got nothing." boo, hoo "I got nothing." It was pretty funny.
Jacob said he was the Daddy and Gwyn was the Mommy and that Brian and I were the kids. I told him okay, I'll play this game: I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I need help putting my socks and shoes on, I need my jacket, I want to go outside, I have to go potty, Gwyn is being too loud, I got a little bit of dirt on my shirt, so I need a new shirt, I need a snack, I want to watch Little Bear, no, not that episode, I want the one where Little Bear goes fishing, you've never taken me fishing, I need milk, I want to go outside and play, push me in the swing, higher, higher, higher, play pirate ship with me, no, you can't be captain, I'm the captain, you are the cook, I need a new shirt, this one is scratchy, can I have a treat?, it is my turn, Gwyn hit me, I spilled my milk, oops, I spilled all my crackers and then stepped on them and tracked little crumbs all over the floor you just swept, you are sick, will you play dr?, I don't need to blow my nose.
Jacob thought that was so funny, he laughed and laughed. I love that little boy!
This week has been great, we've been able to play outside everyday, the weather has been beautiful and we're getting in park days and bicycle time like crazy. Gwyn is determined, so I'm sure it won't be long and you'll see a video of her riding her little pink bike!

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