Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A travesty: a cat pooped in our sandbox!

Well, if you haven't heard, we've had a bit of a cat problem lately. It seems a couple of cats have been fighting over our backyard, and both marking their territory (continuously), so that every time you walk out back you smell cat poop. Not fun, especially when they did the unbelievable...pooped in our sandbox! Yes, I tell you they did, but have no fear, ninja cat-fighter Daddy (Brian) is here! Little did we know, that you can find cat traps online, and they are a great deal, 2 for the price of 1 and the shipping was only $5, so for $29.38 you can get not 1, but 2 cat traps to take care of any cat-pooping-in-your-sandbox problem! Well, Brian baited the cat trap with my canned tuna, and we caught not one, but 2 cats in 2 days! You should have seen Brian, he squirted them with a water hose (sorry Claudia!), and then chased after them with the biggest smile on his face...the score is right now Brian 2, the cats 0. I'll keep you posted. The kids really enjoyed cheering their Daddy on...not sure this was a good parenting moment for us or not, but hey, there are some serious diseases they can get from them pooping in our sandbox, and it is ALOT of work to clean out all the sand and replace it. Hopefully animal control or the humane society isn't a fan of our blog! I think Brian goes over to check his trap at least 5 times / day! Poor kitty: Annie loves this little blue elephant, Jacob loved it too, and Gwyn loved it to hang from her car seat.The kids also both went in for their dentist appointments this was Gwyn's first time. She watched Jacob get his teeth cleaned, and then she climbed up into the seat, she got her glasses on to protect her eyes from the bright light and she did great until that awful straw sucker was used at the end and then she started wailing...yes, not crying, but wailing! Thankfully it didn't last long, and it worked out perfect with Rick being in town for one night, so he held Annie in the waiting room while I went back with Jacob and Gwyn. She quickly forgot about how awful that straw sucker was when the dentist told her she could have a prize (a bouncy ball even though she wanted a sucker...I didn't think the dentist would be giving those out!), and she even told the dentist thank you (with tears rolling down her cheeks!).

We are getting prepared for Gwyn's 2nd birthday party at the house on Sunday, I can't believe she is turning 2! When asked what she wants for her birthday, she says: Daddy make me Dora cake. Some funny things the kids have said recently:

Gwyn: I don't need buckle up. Jacob: You don't buckle up, you go to jail. Gwyn: I don't need go to jail.

Jacob praying at dinner: God thank you for Iron Man who eats lots of chicken (Brian and I had told him that if he wanted to grow up strong like Iron Man, then he has to eat all his chicken).

Jacob: Daddy, you need a cat bat (his idea of solving our cat problem!)

Jacob: Knock, Knock. Me: Who's there? Jacob: Nobody there, shut the door (hahahhaah).

As Jacob is drinking a vanilla shake, he says: Mommy, is there white milk in here? I said, yes. He says, "oh." (and has a very confusing look on his face). You see, Jacob drinks chocolate milk, and not just the 1% or 2% kind, he drinks whole chocolate milk and ALWAYS has, since he was 1 and we tried giving him while milk and he didn't like it, then we tried diluting it with chocolate milk, and then he got too smart for that and so, now he drinks chocolate milk everyday...funny thing is that Gwyn loves white milk and doesn't want chocolate milk...she'll catch on pretty soon:)

Here are a couple of videos from the week (Annie has really started to make some noise!):

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