Monday, April 19, 2010

Busy bees and eating feet

This is how Annie wakes up most days from naps, the kids love going and jumping in the bed with her.  She loves it too, she starts smiling and kicking her feet and flapping her arms.  We have been very busy bees this week.  My mom made it down for a quick (Saturday morning - Monday morning) visit to see us.  She helped out quite a bit by watching the kids so that Brian could get everything out of the attic, and I could go through two rooms of the house.  We've been collecting several bags a week now for Goodwill and several more bags of just trash, so it is nice to know we are getting rid of and going through things before the move.  We close on our new house next Thursday, and we are aiming to move by mid-May.  My dad is coming down for a week and then Rick down for the following week, so we're hoping to get somethings done on the house before we move in with 3 small kids which make those kinds of things impossible to do!

Jacob is quite inventive and entertaining.  Here is a picture he drew of his whole family:

He drew me with a crown and he drew Brian with a "tough nose" because he's so tough.  I thought that was hilarioius.  In these pictures starting from the upper left hand corner is: Daddy, Mommy, Jacob, Gwyn, Annie.  2nd row: Nana, Papa, Jason, Justin, Stacy 3rd row: G and Grandpa, Mrs. Fenwick

Here he is being inventive: a lawn chair on a swing...he may just invent something crazy someday that makes alot of money, who knows!  His favorite new saying is "to infinity and beyond" and this is usually as he's jumping off the edge of a couch or stacking up chairs and doing something boyish and dangerous that makes my heart skip a beat. 

Annie has made a great discovery this week, she has learned she has some feet and that they taste pretty good.  It is a constant now, that she is sucking on that big toe...we've been keeping them extra clean for her!

I've also included a picture of her with me because she is just so fun to hug and squeeze, she has a little freckle on her leg, and Gwyn has one on hers, and Jacob asked me why I have all those dots (talking about my freckles and moles), and I told him that God made me that way.  From this, he later gave Brian the excuse as to why he wasn't sharing with Gwyn as "God made me that way."

And here is another picture of Annie sitting up playing...she's too cute!  She has now tried just about every fruit and vegetable that they make, and she loves PEAS (yes, that is right Sue, she loves them and she really wants you to feed them to her next time you are here!), she loves squash, sweet potatoes, and pretty much all the fruits except peaches.  She is also starting to take a little bit of formula everyday, and her SIP (sleep improvement plan) seems to be working, she is still just getting up once/night to eat. 

Gwyn is growing up and I just can't believe how big she's getting.  She is so sweet, and always asks, "please can I have juice, please can I have white milk, please I can have snack."  She's learned quickly that asking nicely is the way to get things, and for some reason Jacob hasn't caught on to that yet.  She did however, get mad outside and kick a toy, and we thought that was pretty funny her acting like a boy!  She also told me that when she gets this tall, she's going to Fenwick's school (that is Jacob's teacher).  Here she is singing, she can now sing her whole ABCs and various songs and they usually end up all intermingled. 

1 comment:

Erika said... the video of gwyn...she is sooo precious! Glad to see all is well and wonderful...I love the bond Jacob and Gwyn special and sweet!