Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy, Hoppity Easter!

Happy Easter! We have some big news....we bought a house!!! We're very happy and excited, since we've been looking in another area closer to where Brian works, 4 bedrooms, good schools, etc. for over 2 years now, and it is finally happening! All in God's timing right! We put our house on the market on Thursday, and we've already starting doing some downsizing of some things that we don't want to move. So, besides that, we've been busy with life...Jacob had an Easter party at school, we did an egg hunt here at the house for the kids after church, and we had a field day with some of our friends and their kids at a park on Saturday. So, I've got ALOT of pictures below, so I hope you enjoy!

Oh, Jacob and Gwyn have been saying some funny stuff lately, and I've got to write it down because I don't want to forget it...Jacob asked why Brian didn't have any hair on the top of his head, and Brian told him he used to and had to get a picture out to show him so he believed him, and then Jacob said, "I think swiper swiped your hair." Too cute! (I did ask Brian if I could post that, and he thought it was too funny not too!) Jacob also informed us that if you have something on and you're not using it then you waste power, so now we've got an environmentalist on our hands! He also said that God made our whole family...he's so sweet! Gwyn is just too funny and cute and laughs all the time. Her favorite thing to say is "that's funny" and then she laughs so hard.

Annie has started eating vegetables, she's mastered sweet potatoes and carrots so far and she's liking it!
Here are some random shots from Easter, Annie looked too cute in her bow and sandals, neither of which lasted long!

Here are some random shots form our field day and Jacob's Easter party at school. Lots of fun, donut bobbing, egg races, parachute and playground fun:
I had to throw this on in there because it is a rare occasion that Gwyn is in front of Jacob!

Brian and Jacob mowed the lawn together. Brian puts gas in his mower and then water in Jacob's mower. Jacob showed me how you turn it on and everything, I think he really thinks he is mowing it!
Crazy kids getting ready for bathtime:

I took this picture of Jacob and Annie outside while Gwyn was napping, and I thought, I think this looks awfully familiar...
Same position, Jacob about 22 months, and Gwyn about 3 months:

Annie's new ride...round three for our Step 2 Whisper Ride we got for Jacob's first Christmas in 2006, alot of miles on this thing, all around the cul-de-sac!

I had to put this picture in here, Annie had been up all night...she's getting used to getting her "mommy" time all by herself every 2 hours during the night...then she does this during the day, on the couch in the middle of the living room with screaming kids running around playing!
Annie sitting up and having fun with Jacob's new fun too...thanks Stacy and Justin!

The kids made this "airplane" in the front yard this weekend, Jacob just makes up things left and right and Gwyn goes right along with it...she's his sidekick.

1 comment:

Lindsee said...

Jacob looks so tall and big in the first picture. Annie looks like a big girl too!

What is it with chairs? Josh and Lauren have been lining chairs up and pretending a bunch.