Sunday, May 23, 2010

Settling In

The kids are adjusting well to the new house, and we've finally got some pictures up on the walls, so it is starting to feel like home.  Brian and Jacob went to St. Louis where they visited Brian's grandpa and met his parents and Stacy and Justin there for the weekend.  They went to Maggiano's, to the zoo, to a Cardinals baseball game, the Galleria, and so on.  Jacob had alot of fun, especially I think being an only child, although he did miss his Gwynnie and after he had made a Fred Bird at the Build a Bear workshop at the St. Louis Cardinals game, he HAD to get Gwyn a Hello Kitty.  He was so excited to give it to her, and she said she loved it.

We had us a "girls weekend" complete with getting up extra early on Saturday morning to go to our old house since they were having a community garage sale.  We got there about 6:30 am, and by 8:30, I had hardly sold anything.  So, with a the motivation of the closing at 11 am on Monday and HAVING to get everything out (added to the fact that I had two hot and miserable little girls with me at the time), I pretty much said everything was free, take it if you want it, and miraculously it worked and I was out of there by a little before 10 am!  We were exhausted and came home for their naps, then went to Jason's for a bit before spending a quiet early evening here at our new home (as Gwyn calls it). 

We celebrated Jason's 33rd birthday on Tuesday night.  The kids were all excited for the cake, and then they wanted to know if tomorrow was their birthday.

Other news:  Annie is 7 months old!  She is doing great and getting so big, she's starting to crawl, sticks everything in her mouth, she loves peas and bananas, and wait for sleeping through the night!!!! Yes, she might just get a little bit of a bonus in her inheritance for giving me my nights back sooner than Jacob or Gwyn did!  She is such a happy little baby, she loves being with people, loves to stare at Gwyn, laugh at Jacob, and loves to be tickled.  Here she is at 7 months:
Here is Jacob @ 7 months:
Here is Gwyn @ 7 months:
Here are just a few random pics from this week...Jacob loves to dress up, and now that he has a pool, he's turned into water-man:
Gwyn wants to be known as super-girl, does this stance and then takes off running "super fast" (She is also in a taking-her-clothes-off-at-every-opportunity phase, but she is still keeping her diaper on!).  I also realized when I was brushing her teeth the other night that she almost has both of her bottom molars all the way in. 

Here is Annie just being sweet and playing, the second one is of her staring at Gwyn...she is mesmerized by her brother and sister:
Then she started to take off crawling!

This last one is of Gwyn before we went to church on Sunday.  I had the girls dressed so cute in their Baby Lulu dresses, and she HAD to wear her "super fast" shoes.  I guess super girl always has to be prepared!  She is still giving her squinty smile.
Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob:  I brush my teeth, so they don't get black.
Gwyn: Cats eat mouses.
Gwyn:  I want to go home, to my old home.
Jacob: You can't climb like spider man unless you are Peter Parker.
Gwyn:  I love you so much Annie!
Gwyn:  My Jacob is lost (when Jacob was in St. Louis).

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