Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Summertime Fun!

We love summer time in Houston...well, I should say that we love playing in the water during the summer, not so much the HOT summertime in Houston!  The kids had fun in the backyard today, and I got a few cute pictures.  Who knew the water hose would still be so entertaining.  The kids have now discovered if they wet the slide on the playset and then slide down it, they go flying off the end.  I got some video of this today, we were dying laughing at them having so much fun.  Poor little Annie was just itching to crawl over and join the fun, but then she discovered she could try to eat grass, ha!
Today was also Jacob's birthday chapel at his school and Mother's Day Tea.  I had a good time at both.  We again had to have the conversation that it wasn't really his birthday, but they were just celebrating all the summer birthdays today since they wouldn't be in school for his birthday in July.  He asked why they counted to 4 if he wasn't 4 and still 3.  Another long conversation that ended with, "but she touched four of my fingers to count to 4."  I think he finally got it, but wanted to know where his cake was!  Here is a picture of him at his birthday chapel....yes, he is picking his nose which was the least embarrassing thing he did (he lifted his shirt up over his head and stuck his hand down his pants in front of everyone while he was up there...I guess he was bored after being up there for about 5 minutes!).
The Mother's Day Tea was nice.  They had place settings set out for all the moms with special things from the kids and the kids acted as our "waiters" to bring us some juice or tea and cake.  Jacob was so proud of the things he made.  They sang us a couple of songs, gave us a flower, and then gave us a picture they had drawn of their family.  Jacob's was too cute, he said he loved it when I played in his room with him, and my job was cleaning up after him (ha!, he is right about that!), and his favorite thing I make is strawberries (I'm excellent at washing them I guess!). 
Little Annie is just growing so fast.  She loves her some vegetables and she likes to hold her own bottle!  I had to put this picture in here for all those people who can remember that Jacob never did learn to hold his bottle, he would just lay himself out and never attempt to hold it...he was just fine with you doing everything for him...not Annie (or Gwyn!), they want control of that bottle!
And yes, that is a pack of breathe right strips next to her.  Jacob and Gwyn and I like to play a game called "let's see what Annie will try to eat" (don't worry, they do it with me supervising them) and Jacob got that box of breathe right strips.  They just think it is so funny that she tries to put everything in her mouth, Gwyn says, "that not food!" "that not taste good!"  Annie does like to eat her feet, and I caught Gwyn doing it the other day, and she said "look Mommy, I do it like Annie!"  I have so much fun playing with those kids everyday.  They are getting pretty funny together.  Jacob and Gwyn make up games, make up words, read each other books, the other day, I heard Jacob telling Gwyn about how Peter Parker got bit by a radio spider.  I asked him if he meant radioactive spider, and he said, "no Mommy, a RADIO spider."  Oh, okay.

Annie is getting ready to be on the move.  If she wants something she rolls over to it, she's up on her knees bouncing, gets into a crawling position, attempts a couple of moves with her knees and then usually face plants.  She is getting determined.  You should see the look in her eyes when she sees Jacob and Gwyn running around.  I really would like her to stay put for awhile.  With this house move, that is all I need is to worry about her getting into everything!

Oh yes, an update on the house.  We closed last Thursday, and my dad has been down helping us get somethings done on the house that will be hard to do before we move in.  By the time he leaves, the whole upstairs will pretty much be brand new!  He has also worked several inspection items, and things are coming along really well, but I keep adding things to the list!  He goes back Sunday, and Rick comes in for a week to help finish up some projects and help us move in.  We are getting excited!!

1 comment:

Erika said...

Your dad and father-in-law ROCK! Can't wait to see the finished product! Congrats!