Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We've moved!

We have moved!  It has a been a very long and tiring process, but we are finally in our new house.  The kids are doing great here, they are sleeping well and enjoying the stairs and hopefully soon the pool (we've gotten alot of rain recently, so it is quite cold!).  Gwyn did say a couple of times the first day or so that she wanted to go home, but with Jacob constantly saying that this is our new home, I think she is getting it.  The kids loved all the boxes, you wouldn't believe the number of castles that have been built and torn down around both our old house and this one in the past week!

One thing that happened last week is that Jacob can write his name!  He's so proud!
We have been so busy with the move, but thankfully we had alot of help.  My dad was down for over a week helping fix the house up, and my mom came down for the weekend to help with the kids.  Then, Rick came down for a week and Sue came down for the weekend of the actual move.  It is very tough to move with 3 kids, and we were all sore and tired in the end, but we did it (as Dora would say!).  It was also so nice to have Jason bring food all the time, and my first night to cook in the house was last night.  I'm loving my gas stove. 

I took a few pictures of the house, but we have nothing on the walls, and stuff is still everywhere, so hopefully by next week I'll be able to post some pictures of the house.  It was also Jacob's last day of school yesterday, and he'll be going to 4 days of preschool next year...I can't believe he's growing up so fast! 

Another big event, was that Annie got her first popscicle.  This is a big deal at our house, everynight after dinner it is popscicles before bedtime, and Brian gave Gwyn hers while he was holding Annie and she just reached right out and grabbed it from Gwyn (and of course the tears came fast!).  Anyway, Annie loved it, and yes, Gwyn got another one, and the kids just thought it was great that Annie got to sit with them and eat one too.
Here is one more picture of Gwyn, she is in a major fake smiling phase, she thinks the bigger the smile and squintier the eyes, the better!

1 comment:

Erika said...

YAY...Jacob!!! Love that you posted his own writing...great idea! Jacob and Maddy definitely have the same backwards J going on...I love it! Annie is growing up so fast eating popsicles and everything!! You are so lucky to have such awesome parental helpers Phoebe...especially with your move!