Wednesday, June 16, 2010

These are the days...

Some days I look at these kids and I just can't believe how lucky I am to be able to have all three of them, and to stay home and play things like "Woody and Buzz to the Rescue" all afternoon.  Jacob is so sweet, Gwyn is so goofy and funny, and I just want to eat little Annie up!  Thank you God for blessing us with them, and thank you Brian for working so hard so that I can stay home and enjoy these precious years when they are little and experiencing new things everyday.

We have been doing swim lessons everyday this week and last week, and starting on Friday we've got an instructor coming to the house to do them in our pool two days / week through the end of September or so.  I'm looking forward to that because getting everyone dressed and dragged out of the house every morning at 8:45 is a bit of a challenge, so it will be nice to be home and be able to lay Annie down for nap if I need to.  The kids are doing well, Gwyn was having a hard time the first couple of days until she discovered they had a Dora pool toy and then her whole world got better...she is really enjoying it and actually willing to do more than even Jacob.  Jacob is doing pretty well, I had hopes he would learn to swim after a week or so, but I guess it takes time.  He is doing more and more everyday and gaining confidence, so hopefully he'll be swimming within the next month or so. Here is Annie hanging out at swim lessons.

Brian and I laughed about our last Friday trip to eat dinner at Freebirds (make your own burrito place), then to Costco, then to Lowes (where the kids think playing on the tractors is SO fun, and for free!), and then for ice cream and we were home by 7 pm!  The kids thought it was the greatest!!  Friday night fun at our house:
It has been VERY hot here, so we've been taking advantage of the pool, but enjoying playing inside the house as well.  We've been doing playdates, crafts, and the kids are just getting so creative.  We are usually hiding from a big bear, or building a big ship so that the crocodiles don't eat us, or building a town (consisting of every lego we have, plus a firestation, plus a pirate ship, plus a batman house, plus a doll house, plus a fairy tree, plus a shoe house) where Buzz and Woody are in charge of keeping it safe from everything and they are always having to rescue this little pig that ends up on top of the firestation or trying to fly a plane, or someone has to go to jail, etc.  I could go on and on, something is new and different everyday.  Here are a couple of pictures of a painting project we did, Jacob is getting pretty good and drawing things, Gwyn is still in her squinty smile phase:)

Annie has learned a few new tricks, she is now pulling up and cruising around everything and spitting!  Yes, she likes to spit and the kids think it is the funniest thing ever.  They both really do love her.

If you are thinking that Annie just smiles in every picture, just wait:
When she cries she curles her little toes up real hard, like she did in this picture.  She is so cute, she really doesn't cry that much except at the church nursery, where she cries the ENTIRE time.  When I picked her up last time, I said was she really bad or just a little bad...they looked at me sympathetically and said she did have a period of about 10 minutes where she was calmed down and almost fell asleep, but then she started up again.  I'm sure they are really happy anytime they see us coming down the hallway!  Ha!  We've been only going to Sunday school and missing the service because I just feel too guilty to leave her in there for 3 hours.

On another note, Jacob and Gwyn went to Summer Fun Days for 3 days this week and 3 days next week at Jacob's preschool.  It is from 9-1 and we were late due to our swim lessons, but I was so proud of Gwyn!  She just walked right in and was so excited to go since she got to carry a lunch box like Jacob.  She told me they even went to the park (the playground), and she had alot of fun.  I told her that she and Jacob are going to rule that school, and she said "ya, rule the school."  It was pretty cute.
Annie was sleeping in her car seat and I took these pictures because she just looked so precious.  She kind of wrinkles her eyebrows when she sleeps like she is frowning.  Her bottom lip is always wet, her little hands have dimples and what looks like little rubberbands around her wrists and her little toes are for once, relaxed.
Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob: Let's go to swimming lessons.
Gwyn:  I don't go to swimming lessons, I go to pool school.
Gwyn:  Daddy, can you please go to work and make some money?
Jacob while trying to bring the shopping cart downstairs:  I'm a big boy and I can't do it!
Me to the kids: What do you think we should get Daddy for Father's Day?
Gwyn: a blanket
Jacob: a sheet and some candy
Jacob to Gwyn: You can't come to Father's Day, only boys can come.
Gwyn to Brian:  Please can I come to Father's Day?
Brian: Do you have a Daddy?
Gwyn: Yes
Brian: Then you can come
Gwyn: Yeah!