Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Toy Story 3...Gwyn's first movie

We took the kids to Toy Story 3 (all of them...Jason was SUPPOSED to watch Annie, but something came up! Ha, I just had to do it!!).  It was Gwyn's (and Annie's for that matter) first movie and she enjoyed it.  She sat on Brian's lap the whole time and both of them loved it.  I got the "fun" job of holding Annie, I only had to leave the theater once to feed her a bottle, she did fall asleep for about 10 minutes, and I had to stand on the side of the theater...I discovered she likes to crunch up popcorn (I felt sorry for whoever had to clean all that up), and she also likes cherry icee...I know, not a great mom moment, but hey, I was trying my best to entertain her! 
I also took the kids down to Maddy's roller skating birthday party and Jacob did good, I was proud of him for trying and he'll tell you he skated all over the place, but really he got really rather good at walking on them.  At one point (I was trying to keep an eye on all three of them), I lost Jacob when they had everyone go to the side and they had all the birthday kids out there (there were 3 parties there), I was looking all around and Jacob was out in the middle with the other birthday kids.  They had this guy dressed in this kangaroo costume or something and he was mesmarized and I couldn't get his attention.  Poor other parents of the birthday kids, they were shooting video and you'll hear me yelling "Jacob!"  "Jacob!"  "Jacob!" to which he didn't hear anyting.  It ended up being okay, they did the hokey pokey after that and Jacob was pretty good at it.  Gwyn wanted no part of it, but of course was all about the cake and her tatoos.  I loved this picture of them sitting together talking serious talk about their tatoos!

We have been enjoying the pool, Gwyn got a new Dora "skateboard" she calls it for some reason.  Jacob has an alligator one that John and Claudia had given him from visiting their house last year, so now she thinks she is super cool.  The kids are doing great at their swimming lessons, Jacob even swam underwater for the first time yesterday...I was so proud of him, and I'm hoping to get it on video today.  Gwyn loves being in the water and is constantly saying, "watch what I can do!"  Annie loves the water too, she does pretty well in her float thing for about 30 minutes and then one of has to hold her or she likes to sit on the first step and stand up...which requies one person to be beside her the whole time, we call it "Annie duty."

Annie turned 8 months this past week, she is starting to crawl pretty quickly now, she pulls up and cruises all over.  Here she is at 8 months, she has about as much hair as Jacob did, and I think her eyes/eyebrows look alot like Gwyn's:

Here is Jacob @ 8 months:

Here is Gwyn @ 8 months:

We finally put batteries into the music table...this is its third round, we got it for Jacob when he was 5 months old for Christmas and it has pretty much been used non-stop.  Of course, as soon as we got it out and put the new batteries in it, it was Jacob and Gwyn who were more in to it than Annie, but now it is officially hers.
I had to throw this picture in of Gwyn getting ready to go to her school. she just looks so grown up all decked out with her twinkle toes and her lunch box.

It has been raining just about every afternoon here, and now that both the kids have their umbrellas we go outside and play in the front yard, they tell me all the time that they need boots so they can splash in the puddles, but so far that hasn't stopped them!

We usually do this during Annie's afternoon nap, I snuck up the other day because I thought I heard her and I went in there and she was just too cute!

She usually spends most of her waking moments like this with Jacob...they are buddies.  He wrestles with her, picks her up, totes her around, moves her from here to there.  He even the other day asked if he could go wake her up so that he could play with her.  Gwyn and him are buddies too, but Annie just thinks the world of Jacob, and as much as he's in right in her face talking loud, she just loves it and laughs so hard, it is hilarious.
Funny things the kids said this week:

Gwyn (to Brian as she hands him his present: candy):  Happy Fathers Day, SHARE!
Jacob on the way to Maddy's birthday party:  What kind of cake they gonna have, because I don't like princess cake.
Jacob:  Mommy, you need to get some rockets on your car so that it will go fast and beat all these other cars.  I think Daddy can build you some.
Gwyn:  Three special steps, that's how you gotta do it. (repeating Special Agent OSO)
Jacob saying his prayer: Thank you God for Mommy and her play with me, Thank you God for Daddy and help him to build some stuff, and thank you for Gwyn and Annie that they play with me.
Gwyn (repeating Jacob):  Have no fear, buzz lightyear to the rescue!
Jacob after seeing a convertible:  We need to get a new car that doesn't have a roof. (not a chance...about the convertible part, not about the new car part!)
Gwyn:  Woody to the rescue, we got a mergency!
Jacob:  Abra cadabra...hey, how come our car isn't flying??

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