Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy, you're 43!

Brian actually turned 33, but it sounded like 43 to Gwyn, so that is what she has been saying!  Too funny.  Oh the fun just never stops around here.  Rick and Sue came down last weekend so that Brian and I could get away to Lost Pines near Austin for a two-night 10 year anniversary get-away.  It was really nice, we had so much fun, and we decided that we would start taking the kids there every year for a couple of nights because it is set up perfect for families with kids activities going on every hour.  We took advantage of "the largest lazy river in Texas," enjoyed sleeping in, eating at a nice restaraunt, hiking, taking naps, stopping on the way at Bever's Kitchen in Chappell Hill, TX for lunch, etc.  We look forward to our two night get-away every year (this is the 2nd annual, since last January we went on a 2 night trip to Brenham with our church for a couples retreat).  Thank you Rick and Sue!  The kids seemed to do well without us!

Upon return, Sue and the kids had made Brian a birthday cake, so we celebrated Brian's 33rd birthday.  He is an awesome dad and a great husband and I think he enjoyed his day! 

Before we left for our trip, Sue and I took all the kids to Brenham, TX to the original Blue Bell ice cream factory for a quick tour and free ice cream (their 15 minute long video of the whole story was thankfully not working that day!), and then we took them to the Blue Bell aquatic center where all of them had so much fun.  Annie would just sit and try to crawl deeper and deeper, and Jacob and Gwyn were laughing and having so much fun going down this "ice cream sundae slide."  It was hot, and Sue and I were about to die at one point, but we made it through and all 3 slept all the way home!
Here is a picture of the kids at this new play place that opened up that has a bunch of dress up stuff, the kids were playing doctor!
Here are a couple of pictures of Annie who is crawling around non-stop, standing up all the time, she has taken one wobbly step, but her little legs are getting strong.  She can just stand up by herself in the middle of a room!

Jacob LOVES his Buzz Lightyear costume, and I believe this is what he will be for Halloween (I wonder if I could get a Jessie costume for Gwyn and another character from Toy Story 3 for Annie...I'll have to look into that!).  To Infinity and Beyond!!!
The kids are big into drawing, coloring, painting everyday.  Jacob is getting pretty good, and Gwyn is really holding the markers (left handed!!!) correctly.  They are always so proud of their work and asked me to take their picture with their pictures they drew.
This picture was just too cute with little Annie in the won't be long until she is right up there with them!
So, this past weekend was supposed to be a get away for Brian to see John in Florida for a long weekend and Claudia was going to come see me and the kids and our new house.  Well, we got back from our trip last Monday, Tuesday I started feeling bad, my throat hurt and I was exhausted and by Wednesday morning I knew something was seriously wrong, so I went to the Dr on Wednesday morning and sure enough, strep throat!  I've never had it before and it seriously beat me down!  I was pretty much laid up Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.  Jason came over Wednesday and took care of the kids (he learned how to scarf his lunch down because there is no time for you to sit and eat with 3 kids, and also changed his first dirty diaper of his life!), Brian took off work on Thursday, and my mom (she's from heaven you know!), came in and took care of all of us Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and left this morning.  I was seriously laid out all of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, I started feeling a much better Saturday and by Sunday I was feeling pretty good.  I had to get a different kind of antibiotics on Thursday because I couldn't keep the first kind down and I still wasn't feeling any better after being on them for two doses.  So, I ruined everyone else's weekend, and in return I got to be taken care of by my mom, which didn't end bad for me!  We are rescheduling the trip for probably September!

Oh, and other than that, I also broke my little sony cybershot camera that I carry everywhere to take pics of the kids.  $200 to fix it and it costs less than that for a new one.  For now, I'm just using my big SLR camera that takes reallly good photos it just isn't as portable.  Boo hoo!

Here is a video of the kids showing Annie standing up:

Funny things the kids said:
Jacob:  I like ice cream
Brian:  Me too.
Gwyn:  No, me 2.
Brian:  Yes, but me too.
Gwyn:  No, you 43, me 2.

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