Thursday, July 15, 2010

Look out, we have a 4 year old!

We've had many of celebrations for Jacob's 4th birthday, starting from our trip to Oklahoma where he got cupcakes at Emily's to a train cake at Rick and Sue's.  Since we've been back, we had a party at Chuck E Cheese, where he and his little friends had fun playing games, eating pizza, and eating more cupcakes.  Then, on his actual birthday, he started the day off with birthday donuts and then Brian made him a spiderman cake and Jason came over to have Pei Wei (Jacob's favorite place because he likes to eat his chicken with those sticks...chopsticks).  By the end of this, Gwyn was so ready for this two week long birthday thing of Jacob's to be over, she put her hands on her hips and said, "Is it mybirthday tomorrow?"  Jacob is telling everyone he is 4 now, he's so proud.  He did something in the pool the other night and Brian told him he didn't know he could do that and Jacob replied, "I couldn't do it when I was 3, but now that I'm 4 I can."

Here are some pictures of Chuck E Cheese, I think Brian spent more tokens than Jacob, Gwyn and myself combined.  He was caught doing the "Dance, Dance Revolution" more than once, and most of the time while holding Annie.  A friend asked me, did Jacob pick Chuck E Cheese or did Brian?  Ha!  Jacob blowing out his candles:
Brian playing Dance, Dance Revolution with Gwyn and Annie
Jacob in the ticket blaster, this was HILARIOUS!  He got in and didn't know what to do because nothing was happening out, and we had told him there would be tickets flying around so he had to catch them, he stuck his hands out and just waited for it to start.
Here he is while it is going:
Jason and Jacob playing a game:
Gwyn with her squinty smile playing a game...she has unfortunately moved on from playing without tokens, she really thinks the fun part is to just put the tokens in and then walk off.
Family picture:
Jacob having fun:
The birthday kids eating pizza:

Here are a few pictures from his actual birthday here at home.  Brian's spiderman cake:
Jason bought Jacob this automatic tee, it is really cool and Jacob is pretty good at it.
He is squinting to keep one eye on the ball, because the tee makes noise and tells you to keep your eye on the ball, and Jacob is doing what it says!
Another shot:
Birthday donuts:
Gwyn was tired of all this fuss about Jacob, but didn't hesitate to take part in all the cake!
Even Annie enjoyed her fair share of icing, and she will yell at you until you give her another bite:
Gwyn outside while Jacob was playing:
I had to throw this one in here, she is still refusing to nap since we took away her pacifiers, but I've caught her on two different days asleep in the playroom at around 5:30 or so...she's so sweet!
Funny things the kids said this week:
Gwyn (as we are driving down the road and picking her nose):  I've got to get these boogers out!
Me to Gwyn:  Do you have a dirty diaper?
Jacob in response:  It was just my toot.

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