Monday, January 17, 2011

Annie's got the chicken pops

This kid is too cool for school:  Star Wars pillow, Toy Story 3 flashlight, Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham pajamas, and light up sketchers.  Seriously, he's the coolest kid I know!  As you can see, Jacob had pajama day at school last week (which has been hyped up for the past month), and he was super excited.  His teacher told him to just come in their pajamas when they wake up, but Jacob wanted to pick his pajamas out and set them out to put on first thing that morning.  This was a special day, and he didn't want to wear any old slept in clothes.

Okay, I do need to clarify the title of the blog.  Annie does not have the chicken pox (the kids call them pops), but we have been talking about them a lot around here.  Annie had an allergic reaction to amoxacillan, the antibiotic she took to get rid of a month long sinus infection.  She basically just broke out in all these red dots, and since I have watched numerous shows with doctors on them, I immediately self-diagnosed it as chicken pox, called the Dr and went in.  I then found out about the allergic reaction (which didn't cross my mind since she was on the last day, day 10, of her antibiotics).  They ushered us through a special door, I got right in, and they had two doctors take a look to confirm.  She has been vaccinated for chicken pox, but she got the vaccine in October, and sometimes it takes awhile to go into full effect.  Nevertheless, the kids got wind of my emotional "freak out" at home before I took Annie to the doctor and have been telling everyone that Annie has the chicken pox, which leads me to immediately explain that she does not to all the parents around.  Jacob then made up a song, "Annie's got the chicken pops, from those red dots."  This song of course, called for some major explanations that yes, she had red dots, but not from chicken pops, pox, I mean.

We have had an eventful week.  Rick was in for a couple of nights for work, and the kids had a great time hanging out with their Grandpa.  We had some friends over for a play date from church, they have twins Gwyn's age, and we are hoping they buy the house across the street from us (they looked at it this week, and it would be so nice to have someone directly across the street with young kids).  We were able to hangout with Jason a bit, Annie and I went to a breakfast group with my group of friends, we went to Carter and Cole's birthday parties, and Brian has started back to playing volleyball at church.  They took a couple of months off for the holidays, but they are back at it.  Brian is pretty good at volleyball, and he has a lot of fun playing every week.  It was W week at school, and since Jacob has been learning his letter sounds we have heard a lot of wha wha wha in front of random words that start with w.  He is learning so much, so quickly it is really amazing.

Jacob and Gwyn both have Dad's night next week at school, and they have been busy in their classes preparing something very special.  Brian will get to go with Gwyn next Wednesday night, and then with Jacob on Thursday night.  Jacob is pretty excited, but was a little disappointed when he asked Brian how old he was and he said 33.  Jacob said he told his teacher 41.  Brian said it is okay, not to worry about it. I told Jacob that he and I would talk before the Mother's Day Tea.

The kids are such big helpers and have been wanting to "help" me with everything.  From cooking to cleaning to laundry to carrying in groceries.  They are both wanting to do so much, so I surprised them last week by letting them make cupcakes.  Red velvet cupcakes.  They really liked them because they looked like blood.  I think their hands and faces were stained for two full days.  Jacob's teacher at school was joking with him and told him she snuck into our house last night and got some Bugles and strawberries (Jacob had brought those in his lunch the day before, and that day his teacher brought the same thing).  Jacob said, "well we had cupcakes too and you didn't get those!"

The kids were out of school today for Martin Luther King day, so I met up with a few friends at Chuck E Cheese.  The kids had a great time, but much to Jacob's disappointment and to Gwyn's relief, Chuck E was a no show.  They discussed on the way home where he might have been.  Jacob said maybe he had a meeting or something.  Gwyn said maybe he had to go to work on his computer.  Jacob said maybe he was on vacation.  Gwyn said maybe he got sick.  Jacob said no, Chuck E doesn't get sick.  Gwyn said oh, yes, Chuck E doesn't get sick.  He must have had a meeting.

Here are the pictures I took for the week.  Gwyn got an early birthday present from Emily...a princess nightgown!
Jacob showing Gwyn how to work a program on the iPhone:
Popsicles are still our after dinner treat of choice around here:
 Don't worry Annie gets her own now.  Check out how dirty her shirt is, no wonder I'm drowning in laundry!
Gwyn at Carter and Cole's party...she is so stinking cute!
Jacob with his pizza sandwich.  He's too proud of himself to eat pizza just like Daddy.  You take two pieces and put one on top of the other with their crusts on the outside.  He can put away the cheese pizza!
 Sweet little Annie, she is finally growing some hair:
 Funny face Jacob:
 Funny face Gwyn:
 Annie is obsessed with books.  Roxaboxen is her favorite.  She now brings books over to people and will turn around, sit in their lap, and really sit there while you read her the whole thing.  I guess she just wants to be like her big brother and big sister:
 One of Jacob's photographs. Notice he isn't wearing matching socks.  He thinks this is cool and purposefully picks out different ones.  I liked this picture because it shows the jibbits on his Crocs...pretty much everything he is into:  Lighting McQueen, Wolverine, Batman and Buzz Lightyear.  All we are missing is some Star Wars.  He REALLY wants to know everything about Star Wars.  It is funny because he is so into these characters, but he doesn't watch any shows, he hasn't seen any movies, and hardly read any books with these superheros because I think they are a bit old for him (too violent).  I guess it tells you what great marketing is out there if these kids are obsessed with Superheros they only know through talking to each other!
Sweet sleeping Annie.  I love those pouty lips, those long eye lashes, and those soft full cheeks.  She's still such a little baby.  The other night after I finished washing dishes, I went upstairs where Brian had the kids playing in Gwyn's room and Annie got up from Brian and came and sat on my lap.  She had her shirt and her diaper on (this is normal since usually after dinner her pants are covered in food).  I just sat there and touched her soft legs.  I said to Brian have you felt her legs lately, they are so soft.  He told me yes, that he had just got finished squeezing them for like 10 minutes straight.  He was serious.  We love our baby girl!
 I loved this outfit on Gwyn when she was Annie's age, and I tried my hardest to get a picture of her in it.  Of course, I couldn't get one of her looking at me, but I liked this picture because it emphasizes her cheeks!

Funny things the kids said this week:
Me to Annie as I see her going in mouth-opened towards Gwyn's leg:  Annie, don't bite.
Gwyn:  She isn't biting, she's just chewing on me.
Jacob when Gwyn was coloring a picture:  You are doing a great job Gwyn!
Gwyn (just about every single time she goes potty):  You are gonna be so proud of me.

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