These kids make me laugh every single day. They do however, do some crazy things (most of which I believe is stuff Brian did as a child, but somehow I'm getting paid back for it!). I left them coloring for about 3 minutes, to step into the office and make a call about Gwyn's birthday party. I came back to see they had each colored up themselves. Gwyn said it felt funny on her skin, and was quite proud. Jacob kept quiet, he knew better, so he'll let Gwyn spill her guts first.
The title of this blog is Oh YEAH! because I've been hearing that multiple times per day now for the past few weeks. If you haven't seen the movie Despicable Me, then you need to watch it. It is pretty funny and this guy says, "Oh YEAH!" all the time in it.
Jacob and Gwyn carry on very interesting conversations. It is funny how Gwyn believes anything he says. Mrs. Cox (their motor skills - gym teacher at school) was out today. Gwyn said she must be sick. Jacob said she probably had to go to the doctor. Gwyn said she might have a frog in her throat. Jacob said, it isn't a real frog, just sounds like a frog. Gwyn said she might have chicken pops. Jacob said it might be chickenitis. Gwyn said yes, chickenitis. So there ya go, we self diagnosed Mrs. Cox who was out for an unknown reason today with chickenitis. They also were discussing whether fingernail polish was called snail polish (Jacob) or Santa polish (Gwyn??). Who knows where they come up with this stuff? Jacob also told Gwyn on the way to school the other day that he was going to call up the police and tell them they needed to arrest all little sisters named Gwyn. This resulted in a loud whine and tattle tell that Jacob was going to get her arrested. That kind of things goes on constantly. Jacob is now telling Gwyn to stop tattling, and then of course turning it around and doing it himself.
We were getting back into the groove this week. Since I wasn't able to find a time without all 3 kids to go to the grocery store, I ended up going at 5:45 am one morning to be there when they opened. I walked in with three other people, the other three looked like they were going before work, I looked like I rolled out of bed and went, which I did, but I was on a mission to be back by 6:45 and get a shower in before Brian left for work. I did get back by 7, but didn't get that shower. When I got back home, Jacob came out to help me carry groceries in. I asked him how long he had been up, and he told me "about 16 minutes." We went to speech for Jacob twice in the last week. We are getting him reevaluated to make sure he's where he needs to be since we'll be enrolling him for Kindergarten next week! Gwyn was really upset and wanted to go to speech too. I told her for $120/hr, she just doesn't get to go this time! The kids are still so into books, we read constantly. At night they each get to pick a book, and we've had to make several rules because they will want the same book for a week straight. Jacob has also caught on and is now telling Gwyn to "put that one back and pick another one, that one is too short." Thanks Jacob, I'm exhausted. He also is getting really smart at all the Dr Seuss books that are 60+ pages, sometimes I'll try to skip a page and he catches me every single time. Thanks Jacob, I guess I know he's paying attention! Our bedtime routine now is bath, books, story, favorite part of the day, and then prayers. We were doing the part of our day that we didn't like the best, but that was usually an opportunity that Mommy and Daddy used to remind them of something they did that day that we need to work on (not sharing, saying something mean, not doing what they are told). Jacob decided that he really didn't like this part. We are also still telling stories before bed. I find that it is easier for me to let them pick characters and now I tell them stories like Jacob is batman and Gwyn is Snow White. Jacob really wants a bad guy in every story, so somewhere the Joker is usually popping up stealing a pacifier from baby snow white, or eating a mud pie that Belle and Wolverine made. I told one the other night that Batman had a new two wheel scooter and Belle had a new three wheel scooter, and Gwyn said all excited, "just like me!" Jacob is catching on, so I'll have to get a little more creative pretty soon.
Annie thinks she is big stuff these days. She pretty much will attempt to repeat most words. I was upstairs putting laundry away in the kids rooms, and I lost Annie (which is kind of hard to do since the gate was up on the stairs and she is usually about 2" from me at all times). I found her inside the bathroom with the door shut (she is into shutting doors now). She had climbed up the two steps on the step stool, gotten ahold of her tooth brush and she was just smiling at herself in the mirror like she was hot stuff. She was pretty proud of herself.
The weather has been great. We are outside all the time, here is a picture of the kids and Brian racing in the driveway:
Annie is always on the move:
Jacob picks all his clothes out, which I don't argue with since he can dress himself it is one less thing for me to have to worry about when we are headed out the door. Here is on green day (he made this up), and it was yellow day one day last week too, but I didn't get a picture of that:
Here is Gwyn, who when I told her to say "cheese" she said no, I want to say, "I'm potty trained," so here is Gwyn saying "I'm potty trained!" She also wanted to call Brian at work to tell him she had pooped in the potty. We tried calling and got a voice mail and hung up, but that wasn't good enough for Gwyn. So, we called back and Gwyn left him a nice message yelling, "I pooped in the potty." Let's hope he doesn't listen to his messages on speaker phone!
Here is a video of the kids playing outside:
Here is a sideways video of Annie'd think I'd be able to figure out how to rotate the video, but no, so here you go:
Here are several different pictures of artwork from the kids. They are really into coloring, stamping, stickers, etc. these days. We go through stickers like crazy around here:
Jacob comes home and likes to talk about thee things he did at school. The one in the upper left hand corner is from the book snow day, and he said that kid is about to hit the tree, so that all the snow falls off. He also drew 2 extra people in the red picture, and he said those were his teachers.
Brian drew the family picture, but Jacob likes to go put letters on pictures and then have me find all the letters. He said the letters are hiding and you have to find them. He also is getting pretty good at his letters.
Jacob said his piggy went to the ball game:
Seriously, you should be impressed I made it home with the glue still dripping from Gwyn's rectangle collage. Jacob drew a lady bug that was quite detailed too:
Funny things the kids said this week:
Gwyn: Hold my pretzels Mommy, I gotta dance.
Gwyn to Annie: Hello Buttercup.
Jacob (to Gwyn when she was going potty): That's the spirit!
Gwyn: That's enough Jacob.
Jacob after finding out it was snowing in Tulsa: Why did we choose to live here where it doesn't snow?
Me to Jacob when Brian was getting ready for work: Go tell Daddy he's handsome.
Me to Jacob after he comes back into the room: Did you tell him?
Jacob: No, he wasn't handsome yet.
Gwyn to Jacob after I called him bubba: Is bubba your first name?
Jacob: No, it is just a thing that little kids and babies call their brothers when they can't talk yet.
Jacob to Brian: Can God see Tulsa?
Brian: Yes, God can see everything.
Jacob (all excited): Can God see the bat cave??? (Brian had earlier told him that no one knows where Batman's bat cave is).
Gwyn: Mommy, let's play that I'm snow white, you are Belle, Jacob is Batman, Annie is baby snow white, and Daddy is prince charming.
Me: Sounds good Gwynnie Bear!
7 years ago
1 comment:
I now have no eye makeup on from laughing at the funny things your kids said this week. My favorites: Gwyn asking Jacob if 'Bubba' was his first name and Jacob saying Brian wasn't handsome yet! You have a great gift, Phoebe, to write these things down so vividly that I can just visualize them saying these things.
Your blog updates are one of the highlights of my week cause I always know I'm going to laugh! I love preschoolers!!
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