Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  We have some big news...Gwyn is potty trained!  Of course, she would tell you that she was potty trained the first day we started, but although we had a very rough couple of days, she came through on the third day.  I'm sure we'll have some accidents, but she seems to have gotten it and is REALLY proud of herself. I asked her where she wanted to have her birthday party, and she said, "a party place that has a potty I can use since I'm potty trained."  Well, there ya go.

We had a great new years.  We celebrated with a couple of other families and their kids.  We all had dinner, the kids played, did a craft, our "midnight" was at 8 pm, and we finished up with some fireworks.  The kids were in bed at 9, and yet another year went by when we didn't see midnight (I'm not complaining, I enjoy sleep!).  Here are a few pictures:

Here is a picture of my new car...I really don't know what to do with myself since all my windows roll down and the car doesn't shake if you go over 60 mph (if you didn't know, my Trailblazer only had 2 windows that rolled down).  I must have been really good last year!

We have really enjoyed having Brian home so much lately.  I think he worked 3 days one week, 2 days the next, but is returning tomorrow for a 4 day week (poor guy).  We have been playing ALOT of batman lately, and it is funny how when you play with Jacob he always gets to be Batman and you have to be Robin.  He drew this picture and told me a story about it.  There are bad guys trying to shoot people, and he and Brian (down on the right) are going to the Batman cave to help fight the bad guys.  Mommy, Gwyn and Annie are going to the grocery store, but I didn't bring my purse, so I've got to go back home.  He's pretty creative.  I never really got out of him what all the lines and dots are about.
Here are a couple of pictures of the kids playing outside.  Jacob loves to twist himself up in the swing and then spin around.  I used to do that when I was a kid.  Annie LOVES to swing, and has 5 teeth and working on her 6th.  She is a big biter right now.  The kids tell on her all the time for trying to bite them, and she's gotten me a couple of times and Brian too and it HURTS!  If you tell her no biting, she cries.  It breaks her heart, I guess it feels pretty good to her.  She is also really trying to say so many words.  I was having her repeat different words, mama, dada, bubba, sissy, ball, dog, etc.  I tried to get her to say night, night and she started crying.  I think she thought I was going to put her to bed!
 She's having fun...her hair is really starting to grow although you can't tell it in these pictures.
 Jacob spinning himself up:
I had to throw this one in here.  Jacob took this picture with my phone after Gwyn begged him to take a picture of her eyeball.
Here are a few more pics from Christmas, Sue sent me some and I like to include them with the blog since I get a book printed each year with all the pictures.  Here is Gwyn with Rapunzel, she is almost the exact same height and has been watching the house when we go anywhere:
 I loved this picture of Jacob being so excited over a tube of peanut m&ms!
Annie and her new ride:

Funny things the kids said lately:
Gwyn (praying):  Thank you God for Jesus's birthday and for Despicable Me (that is a great movie!).
Jacob to Gwyn as she is picking her nose:  You can't play this game with me.  You have to have big muscles and you can't pick your nose. (pot and kettle)
Gwyn:  I don't bite people, only food (throwing Annie under the bus for biting people)
Jacob to Gwyn:  Next year, I'm going to put a big eyeball in the chimney so Santa can't come and give us presents (I think he later recanted after he realized what he said).
Me to Jacob:  Our whole family is on a team, so we each need to be a team player and help out.  You can also help me by being more kind to your sisters and helping them out more.  Is there anything I can do for you?
Jacob:  You can cook better. (Brian later asked me, if I expected him to say nothing, and I guess I did...I set myself up for that one!)
Brian to Jacob and Gwyn:  I liked this movie when I was little. (talking about Alice in Wonderland)
Jacob:  You were a girl when you were little??  (This was HILARIOUS, because he was seriously confused.  Jacob is big into boy movies and girl movies, and apparently, Alice in Wonderland is a GIRL movie!).
Brian to Jacob (who was asking all kinds of questions about God, where he is, what he looks like, what he can see, etc.):  He is in your heart.
Jacob:  Can he eat the food that goes into your belly?

1 comment:

BrendaE said...

Love keeping up with your kids through your blog and especially love seeing what funny things they've said. I can so see Jacob's expression about Alice in wonderland and asking Brian if he was a girl when he was little. Hilarious!! Hope you guys have a great new year. And BTW, congrats on the new ride!!