Monday, February 14, 2011

3 Little Love Bugs

These are my three little love bugs, and oh how do I LOVE them!  Dressed in red before we went to school today, and so excited about Valentine’s Day parties.  When I laid the kids down tonight, Jacob asked if tomorrow would still be Valentine’s Day, I said no, but told him that we do have candy now, so if you eat your lunch and dinner really well, then we’ll have some special treats…that seemed to suffice. 

We pulled double duty with both Jacob and Gwyn’s parties at the same time.  Luckily, Brian was able to go to Jacob’s since I was helping with Gwyn’s and we swapped for a little while so we could see both kids.  Their little faces just lit up when they saw us.  Here is Gwyn in her class having lunch:
 Jacob and Brian at his party:
 Gwyn with her teachers and a couple of classmates:
We had a week of everyone (except Brian) being sick around here, and we even inflicted Jason too!  Gwyn got sick first, followed by Annie, followed by me, followed by Jacob.  Gwyn missed school on Wednesday, Jacob missed school on Thursday, we didn’t even leave the house on Friday, and Brian was home to help since I was feeling awful on Friday/Saturday.  Let’s just say that he has a new appreciation of taking care of the kids AND keeping the house clean/food cooked/laundry done/etc!  Poor little Jacob not feeling very good (it was so sad, he just wanted to sit with me or Brian, hug and kiss us, and lay his little head down...I think he took a nap for the first time in a couple of years, that's how we really knew he was sick!):
The weather did turn really nice, so we were able to make it up to the park on Sunday and play outside a bit.  The kids were sick of being cooped up inside, and we were all having a little cabin fever after it being so cold (I know, not Snoklahoma cold, but it was down in the 30s a couple of days!).  Here is Brian and Jacob mowing the yard (we have gotten so much use out of that lawn mower!).  Jacob is mowing in his doctor pants and his scientist shirt, nothing like mowing the lawn in dress up gear!

 Annie always has her sippy cup in tow:
 Jacob didn't feel like playing all that much, but he was very into drawing a rocket ship in the driveway:
Annie is continuing to destroy the house on a daily basis.  She is still obsessed with brushing her teeth and when she is running to go upstairs, she'll cut you off going around a corner to beat you up the stairs. She now says "Dora" and "Wow Wow" for Wubbsy.  I thought it was funny that Jacob pretty much didn't watch TV til he was 3, and now we have Annie at 15 months requesting Dora!  She was flipping through this book of Jacobs, and at the back were some advertisements for other books and one had Dora on it, and she pointed to it and said "Dora."  She now refuses to eat her food cut up, she looks at how Jacob and Gwyn are eating theirs and that is how she wants to eat hers.  I cut up a cheese stick today and she wouldn't eat it, so  I just thought I would see if giving her a whole one worked, and sure enough, she ate the whole thing.  She did the same thing with chicken fingers the other night, and a grilled cheese sandwich too!  She is also very jealous, I call her a little jealous tail.  If Gwyn or Jacob is sitting in mine or Brian's lap, she whines and cries to get right up with us, and she did it to Jason the other night too.  Jacob sometimes fake cries when Annie is crying, the first time he did it, I thought he was doing it to make fun of her, but he said he does it because it makes her stop crying and look at him.  So, anytime Annie cries, we first try out Jacob crying too to see if that is what she wants now.  He says she likes it, sometimes she does, but sometimes it makes her mad!  Here she is climbing up to the sink, she likes to get a drink out of the faucet and she will now pull herself up onto the counter:
 Climbing up in the playroom to take all the books and DVDs off and throw them on the floor (unfortunately she has a brother and sister who like to tattle, so she doesn't get into too much trouble):
We will soon be moving Annie to the booster seat, I will have no issues saying good bye to the highchair since I hate having to clean it 3-4 times/day.  She is a little wiggler, and now prefers to eat while standing:
Gwyn is getting into playing with her princess dolls.  She will bring me Belle and tell me that Belle is the big sister and Tinkerbell is the little sister.  It is pretty entertaining to play with her, you should just hear some of the funny conversations that these dolls have back and forth.  She woke up the other night at 2 am screaming.  Brian went up to see her, and she said there was a spider crawling on her arm and she tried to squish it in the covers.  Brian said she was believable at first, until she said the spider opened the door and went downstairs!  Gwyn is in a headband phase, she wants to wear one every day:
Jacob is so into Star Wars, he asks for stories constantly, and looks forward to his 10 minutes/day that Brian and he look at Star Wars videos on the computer.  This is the highlight of his day, and every night when I put him to bed I ask what his favorite part of the day was, and even today (when he had his Valentine's day party with all the candy, etc.), it was still watching Star Wars videos with Daddy.  He listens to every word that Brian tells him (which Brian is having to watch the movies to even remember what goes on, we still haven't decided if he is old enough to see the movies yet, so Brian tells him story after story).  Jacob will sometimes ask me a question, and if I give him a wrong answer he is sure to correct me with a long story about what Daddy told him about Darth Vader, Obi Won Kanobi (sp??), Yoda, General Grevious, etc.  When I tell stories at night now, Gwyn will ask for Belle and Snow White, and Jacob still asks for Batman, but he likes the bad guy (and he ALWAYS wants a bad guy) to be General Grevious.  Well, one story I told had Belle, baby Snow white, and Batman at a gymnastics party, and General Grevious came and was popping all the birthday balloons with his light saber.  I told him that Batman had him cornered and General Grevious fell on a chair and hurt his knee before the police showed up to arrest him.  Jacob quickly told me I was wrong, that there was no way that General Grevious could hurt his knee because he was a robot and his legs were made of steel so they don't hurt.  And another story I told about Belle, baby Snow White and Batman were outside playing with their new build a bear animals and General Grevious came and threw them in the pool.  Batman fished them out with Daddy's net and then pushed General Grevious into the water, and since he was a robot he was broken when he got wet.  Jacob said he could dry out, so I finished the story with storm troopers landing to take General Grevious back to some planet to fix him back up.  Here he is in his star wars sweatshirt, which is worn more than any item of clothing he owns:
The kids play great together, and Jacob and Gwyn's little third wheel, Annie, is tagging along.  This week they were on a hunt to catch a skunk in the house.  Annie just chased after them going all over the house, and thought it was the greatest thing.  They like to play bad guys and right now they, of course, are the good guys, and Annie is the bad guy.  I'm sure this will be an issue, but for now, Annie thinks it is great.  They have such great imaginations.  The other day after reading a Bugs book which had a picture of a scorpion, they came up with an elaborate plan if they were ever to see a scorpion what they would do.  Jacob would tell Daddy, not Mommy, Mommy would watch Annie in the house.  Gwyn would sit in the wagon in the garage with her hands over her eyes so the scorpion couldn't see her, and then Jacob and Daddy would get the scorpion with a shovel.  So, just in case we ever see a scorpion, we've got a plan.  

A few pictures of artwork from the last week.  Gwyn covered dinosaurs last week, and Jacob is doing lots of things with numbers and counting.  He drew the picture in the lower left hand side with his name on it.  He said it was him standing outside of our house, but the stairs were on the outside of the house instead of the inside.  He said his body was blood inside and skin over it (he colored himself pink but you can't really see it):
 Jacob made Mommy a special valentine (the black heart on the left hand side), and he made his own valentine box by painting a CoCo puffs cereal box red and decorated it. Gwyn made some valentines at school and decorated her bag too.
Funny things the kids said this week:
Gwyn to Brian when he put in a Tinkerbell movie:  Is this the old Tinkerbell?  (We have 2 Tinkerbell movies now, and the Fairy Rescue is the most requested one!) 
Jacob to Brian after he drank ½ a water bottle in one drink:  Wow, how do you drink so much?
Brian:  I’m just a lot bigger than you.  I’ve got a bigger stomach for it to go into.
Jacob:  Like that big buy on Star Wars with the puffy belly?
Me:  Jabba the Hutt??
Jacob:  Yes, him, you’re like that Daddy.
Gwyn:  We are just all sick.  I’m sick, Mommy’s sick, Annie’s sick, Daddy’s head hurts, and Jacob’s got the blisters (this was before Jacob was sick and she was talking about red bumps that Jacob had months ago…she remembers things at odd times)
Jacob after Brian read him David and Goliath:  Goliath isn’t going to get any presents for Christmas, he’s mean.
Gwyn (on just about any matter):  I can do it all by myself, because I’m a big girl.
Jacob (chanting over and over):  WE ARE OBEYERS!! WE ARE OBEYERS!!

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