Monday, February 7, 2011

And then, she was 3!!

Today Gwyn turned 3…I’m happy and I’m sad, mostly in shock that she is growing up so fast.  Here she is in a picture I practically had to drag her out of the house for, only for her to give me 5 pictures of a fake smile of which the above is the best.  Looking cute in her new Hello Kitty dress (which she was upset about since it was the one present I let her open this morning, and it wasn’t a toy), pink tights from Maddy, and her light up twinkle toes…oh, and a bow in her hair because she needs one in at ALL times.  I get told quite frequently that I forgot to put one in, or that I put it in wrong.  She is smart, funny, independent, and emotional…a little like me!  We love our little Gwyn.  (Happy Birthday to my Mom too, it is her birthday today too!)
When she woke up this morning, I heard her little pitter patter of feet coming down the stares, only to go running back up the stairs.  I thought, what is she doing??  She comes back down (having gone up to wake Jacob), and says, “Jacob, come look, Kong Kong came and brought presents for Christmas!”  Jacob told her that no, it isn’t Christmas time yet, it is her birthday, to which she replied, “Kong Kong decorated for my birthday?”  She had gotten a little confused since I had decorated the dining room with streamers and put her presents up on the table, and at Christmas our elf, Kong Kong, had also toiletpapered our dining room, so she thought he must have done it.  Brian told her that Mommy did it, and she was so surprised!  She started the day off with some birthday donuts, we took birthday snack cupcakes to her class at school, and then we opened presents after making homemade pizzas and had Aerial cake with Jason tonight.  Gwyn with her birthday candles:
 Did Kong Kong do this??
 Poor thing had to take a power nap in between all the celebrations, they wore her out!
 The kids love them some Uncle Jason...all 3 on him at the same time:
 Gwyn's Aerial cake, made by Brian:
 His picture comparison:
A video from tonight:

 Annie taking every opportunity to pick up as many things as possible and string them across the house when Gwyn opened some presents:
We had Gwyn’s birthday party on Saturday at Build A Bear.  Gwyn had never done it before and was in awe.  She was so excited and picked a purple fluffy dog.  We had 13 kids, and they each got to pick an animal, get it stuffed, name it, wash/comb it, pick out some clothes, etc.  Here are few pictures from the party, followed by pizza at California Pizza Kitchen (yummy!) and cupcakes!  Gwyn made sure to tell everyone that it wasn’t her birthday, her birthday was on Monday, this was just her party.
 In line after picking their animals:
Gwyn washing and brushing her puppy:
 Oh the decisions!
Gwyn's dog she named: Doggy, Sparkles, and about 5 other names
Gwyn with Mommy:

Poor little Annie got passed and passed around:
Birthday cupcake!
Gwyn with Mommy and Daddy (the closest thing to a family picture we've had in awhile, oh wait, we're missing Jacob and Annie!):
 Yes, Jacob still only eats the icing!
Poor little Annie was ready to go home!  She said, "Hey it is 1:30 and I nap at 11:30, let's get this show on the road!"  I did feel a little bad about taking this picture before I picked her up:
For the Superbowl, we got together with two other family friends for a party…Brian made a football cake that was a huge hit.  I don't think anyone even watched the game.  With 8 kids running around it is hard to watch TV, but the kids did put together a band and put on a show.  Jacob played guitar and Gwyn was on keyboard (oh and she break dances too), so I'd have to say that entertainment was SO much better than watching some football game anyway!:
Annie is still destroying the house…she loves to giggle, and will laugh out loud while I’m reading a book to her.  You wonder what is going on her little head that hits her so funny when I turn a page and she just starts laughing.  She also likes to hug.  She is starting to understand things, and this week it was “give Gwyn/Jacob a hug” and she would run over to them and give them a hug.  Jacob and Gwyn thought it was just great and for about 5 minutes straight Gwn would say, “Annie, come give me a hug,” and she would do it.  Then Jacob would say, “Annie, come give me a hug,” and then she would do it.  They went back and forth like this over and over.  She is now a pro at going up and down the stairs, her mattress is as low as it can go since she climbed out of her crib, she likes to eat play dough (I found this out after I discovered she had play dough breath), she eats at least ¼ pound of ham during a grocery store run, and she spills at least ½ gallon of milk each week (my poor hardwood floors!).  Her new game is to walk around with her milk, pull out the straw and then turn it over, shake all the milk out and then play in it.  She can seriously destroy the entire downstairs in about 15 minutes.  She looks sweet in this picture with her milk, but really, she is waiting on me to look the other way so she can run off and dump her milk out and wait for me to go find it:
 Annie the hugger:
 Sweet sisters waiting on their brother:
Typical Annie, pulling every single tissue out of a box:

Jacob is such a sweet boy.  He's my little love bug.  If you are in a room wit him, he wants to come sit on your lap.  If you are watching TV, he'll climb up on you and watch it either beside you or on your lap.  He likes to be with people, and he loves, loves, loves his sisters.  We’re continuing speech and he is doing great.  We got the Gessell screening results back and he’s ready for Kindergartren in the Fall.  The tester was amazed at how he held the 3 point position with his pencil the entire 40 minutes, and that he would erase because he wanted to make sure he got things right (erasing is a 7 yr old skill..oh yes, I’m bragging)!  I write notes to both Gwyn and Jacob and put them in their lunch boxes at school, and he was super excited when Brian wrote him one this week.  He told me as soon as I picked him up that Daddy had written him a note!  On Saturday night before I put him to bed, he really wanted his Darth Vader from Build A Bear, so I told him to run down stairs and get him.  When he came back up, he had Gwyn’s dog too, and he said, “I’ll just put her dog right here outside her door, so that when she wakes up, she’ll see him.”  How sweet!  He learned a new song at school this week, that he was proud to sing. 

Love this face:
 Jacob with his Darth Vader...he loves this thing!
Oh the endless hours of fun this box provided earlier in the week (thanks John and Claudia!):
Gwyn keeps us laughing.  Brian and I laugh about poor little Camilla, that Gwyn tells on all the time.  She comes home every day with a different story of what Camilla did.  Camilla through sand in my hair, Camilla took a toy out of Laura’s hand, Camilla pushed Mailee, etc.  At Dad’s night, Brian said Camilla looked all sweet, but we know, thanks to Gwyn, we know.   Gwyn also really likes to show off her panties.  She wants people to see them.  She has Dora, all the princesses, Hello Kitty, etc.  If you come to the house and say hi, she’ll pretty much drop her pants and say look at my panties!!  She did this the other day in the front yard when Jason came over.  She has done it to several of my friends...I'm hoping she grows out of this soon!
She also likes to carry this dolphin purse, took it out to a restaurant the other day, so I told her to empty it out and let’s see what is so important in there…yep, still hoarding those little animals.
 Contents of her purse:
  It was a bit chilly for a couple of days, and since we live in Houston and I don’t buy winter coats for the kids, I pulled out a 12-18 month old coat for Gwyn…poor kid!
 Funny things the kids said this week:

Brian to Gwyn:  How did you get so pretty?
Gwyn:  God made me so pretty.
Gwyn (as she gives Jacob a hug):  You’re a good brother Jacob.
Gwyn (telling whoever will listen):  Annie really likes to sit on my lap.
Jacob (as we are driving down the road):  Mommy, what does C-A-R-G-O M-O-D-E spell?
Me:  Cargo mode??
Jacob:  Yes, that is what the seat says (he is getting good at his letters!)
Gwyn to some random guy in Target:  What’s up dude?
Me to Jacob after he rolled his eyes at me for the first time:  Jacob, that is disrespectful, you do not do that to adults.
Gwyn (as she is trying unsuccessfully to try to roll her eyes too):  Can we do it to people?
Me:  No, adults are people too, just don’t do it to anyone.
Me to Jacob:  Go get your heavy coat on, it’s going to be cold outside:
Jacob:  I really need to wear my orange jacket.
Me:  Your orange jacket is a sweatshirt jacket and it isn’t heavy enough for today, you need your heavier coat, it is really cold outside.
Jacob (very disappointed):  But my orange jacket really makes me look like Darth Vader, and I need to look like him at school (apparently he plays on the playground with a couple of other kids and he is always Darth Vader).
Me:  You’re heavier coat is dark blue and it will make you look even more like Darth Vader because he has a dark hood.
Jacob:  OK!
Me to Gwyn:  What do you want to have for dinner on your birthday?
Gwyn:  Cupcakes
Me:  What kind of real food do you want to have for your birthday dinner?
Gwyn:  Real cupcakes.

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