Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jacob's 1st soccer game as a SWORDFISH!

 Jacob had his first soccer game yesterday.  The team had voted on their name, SWORDFISH, and you have to say it with exclamation to really get the feel for how awesome it is…Jacob has taught this to Annie who yells it and does it quite well.  His team won 6-0…it was really 5-0 but the other team scored a goal for his team by accident.  It was pretty fun, the kids are learning and it was very entertaining to watch.  At one point Jacob’s coach yelled at him to move up 5 steps.  He very dramatically marched off 1-2-3-4-5 steps, all the while not paying attention to where the ball was that went zooming past him, but hey, he listened to the coach and did EXACTLY what he was told.   Jacob LOVES his uniform, he is number 7, and wants to wear it all the time.

Annie is giving me a run for my money this week.  I realized that I had been making excuse after excuse for her, but then it hit me...she is in her terrible twos!  This week she discovered she could tear off the diaper clasps, not on the one she was wearing, but on the stack of new/clean diapers that haven't been used yet.  So, when I went to get a new diaper, I found it to be ruined as she had torn off the diaper clasps.  She climbed up and got the pack of gum that was by in a basket by the phone and proceeded to eat about 8 far, I haven't found that this has done any damage.  I also found these little bathroom disposable cups at Bed Bath & Beyond, there were 100 for $1...worst $1 I ever spent!  My thought was that I would put them in the bathroom and the kids could use those after brushing their teeth, well Annie found she could fill them up and dump them all over the place, not fun for me!  Here she is after we went to eat some crawfish, Gwyn picks out her clothes and called her peanut butter cup all day since her dress looked like peanut butter:
 Annie also threw a major fit when Brian took Jacob and Gwyn to tadpoles, this was further compounded by both Gwyn and Jacob trying to explain to her that she was just too little to go and that is why she couldn't go.  We were hanging out, and she was adament about getting this lime, so I let her try it:

Jacob got to pick out a snack to have at school, and he absolutely had to have the HEB brand equivalent of cheese its that were in the shape of the state of Texas...I thought oh no, he's going to grow up to be one of those crazy people around here that have the Texas star plastered on their house!  He then surprised us all the other night at dinner, by picking out the Texas football helmet and saying, "hey, that's the longhorns!" and then he made the sign with his hands!  Brian proceeded to set him straight by showing him how to turn his hand upside down to put the longhorn sign down.  We later read him the "Pistol Pete" book that OSU had sent the kids since they are legacies, ha!

Jacob also tried to test us by lying to us the other day.  Jacob had covered his arms, legs and face with pink dots.  He then came up to Brian and said he didn't know how they got there.  It would have been pretty comical if it had been a joke, but he proceeded to flat out lie about not knowing how they got there.  Unfortunately for him, he didn't realize his parents were both geniuses and although it was hard, we were able to figure out that the dots were not actual chicken pox, but made by himself.  There was further evidence to back this up in that Gwyn told us she saw him marking himself up, and that there was a pink highlighter left out that had a jagged end where Annie had chewed it off, so it made the exact same type of marks as the ones that were all over him.  After about 30 minutes, he finally told the truth.  He did get consequences, but hopefully, we nipped this in the bud, and we are continuing to reinterate with any situation how telling the truth is the most important thing, and I found myself quoting my parents (and the bible) in that "the truth will set you free!"

This was our afternoon entertainment one day.  Our neighbors had a tall pine tree that had died and they had to have it cut down...that is a guy up in that tree with a chainsaw around his waist.  It was pretty amazing how efficient they were, they had obviously done this many times before:
Jacob is really getting into playing games, it is quite entertaining watching him tell Gwyn how to play things, what the rules are, etc.  Here he is teaching her how to play tic tac toe:
Sweet little Gwyn is constantly taking my computer paper to draw/make things, but with a face like that, how can I not give her some paper!
Here are the kids before church this morning.  They were looking pretty cute, but this picture and their expressions don't quite capture what I was seeing!  Jacob was proud for picking out his "fancy church clothes," a striped shirt with plaid shorts!  They were so excited about riding in Daddy's car to church because it is super fast.
We've stayed pretty busy this week.  We are so happy to have Brian home, and not looking forward to him being gone another two times to Norway in the next few months.  We had parent night at Jacob's school, it was fun to be in his classroom, walk through his daily schedule, and see things he has been doing in Kindergarten.  Jason went up and ate lunch with him this week, and was a hit.  I got my permanent crown on this week, and hope to never see a dentist for quite some time!  We went and had ice cream and played at the park with some friends after school one day.  I started back at my Bible study at church on Tuesday mornings, and that has been really nice.  

Here are a few pictures of artwork the kids have done.  I'm loving how much Jacob's writing and drawing is improving with every passing week.
 Here is a picture Gwyn drew of all of her friends...and she is very particular on her suns...she will spend alot of time to make sure her sun has all the right rays coming off of it.
 One of Jacob's writing worksheets which was sent home from school.  We did learn that Jacob got one of his tickets taken from him last week for talking during quiet literacy time, but he did earn it back when he was quiet the rest of that quiet literacy time.  He says he's saving up for 10 tickets to cash in for a special lunch with Anna Lee in the courtyard outside...too cute!
 I let the kids take the halloween catalogue and cut it up.  I didn't think too much of it, until I noticed that not only did they cut out the cute little kids costumes, but also the not so cute adult costumes out of the back of the catalogue.  They were gluing them to paper for a craft, but Jacob was also handing them out as tickets to our neighbor's kids...not my best parenting moment!

I've got to try to  get Annie on video this week.  She has started singing Justin Beiber's song.  She'll go "baby, baby, baby,, baby, baby, oohhh"  then she'll follow it up with "diaper, diaper, diaper...ooohhh...diaper, diaper, diaper, ooohhh," because she really does thing he's talking about a baby!  She has also started praying and it is the sweetest thing seeing her close her eyes and squeeze her little fists and say, "JESUS, thank you mommy, daddy, jacob, gwyn, annie, AMEN!"

Funny things the kids said this week:

Jacob (after it rained for the first time in months):  It is raining!  I prayed for it and it rained!!
Annie (as we drive by Chuck E Cheese):  CHUCK CHEESE! CHUCK CHEESE!
Annie (as we pass any bus):  JACOB BUS!

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