Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pumpkins and Nana, what could be better??

We made a trip to the pumpkin patch today.  We were going to try to make it there last weekend while my mom was visiting, but it rained both Saturday and Sunday and it finally wasn’t a muddy mess today.  I love watching the kids pick out pumpkins, I made them dress up, and Annie is the cutest little clown around!  Gwyn is going to be Rapunzel, which she was very excited about since Papa went all over town to get her that outfit.  My mom made her close her eyes while she gave it to her, and she immediately wanted to wear it.  It has already gotten its share of dress-up use, so I’m just hoping it makes it to Halloween at this point!  Jacob will be Darth Vader…he had a variety of star wars costumes to choose from,  but it is looking like he is choosing the dark side.
 Jacob said, "Go long Mommy!"
 The cutest little princess around!
 This is her camera face now...great!
 Yummy, Jacob asked to make pumpkin pie when we got home.  I told him we didn't have any canned pumpkin.  He said we could use the pumpkins we just bought.  I then explained Mommy doesn't cook like that, I need the canned and boxed stuff!
We had a great weekend with my mom here visiting.  I got caught up on putting some pictures together, I hadn’t ordered any pictures all year and it took me awhile to get everything organized, but I’ve already decided that I’m going digital starting in 2012…just too much to keep up with.  Brian replaced the toilet upstairs, he was pretty proud of himself doing it in 1.5 hours…we’ll have to add that to his list of many talents, the ability to change out a toilet in under 2 hours…now we’ll just see how long the old one sits on our back porch, ha!

This past week I started volunteering in Jacob’s classroom, every other week during the Handwriting without Tears lesson.  I know many of you (those who know me well…I’m thinking of Amy who will get a kick out of this since she is not only a teacher, but knows the second she gets something in the mail from me since she has recognized my writing since the third grade and claims it hasn't changed!) are cringing when you think that I am helping with the handwriting lessons, but that should tell you something about the state of the Texas school systems that they are that desperate to need MY help with handwriting lessons, ha!  It was fun to be in his classroom, I bring Gwyn and Annie with me, and they did quite well, Annie on the iPhone and Gwyn sorting things.  Jacob loved that I was there, and Gwyn also liked to go to school and tell them she went to Kindergarten and did some of their work.

Other news for the week was that Jacob’s soccer team lost.  It was a devastating blow to their undefeated team, but we do suspect the other team had some 9 year olds!  How upset can you be, when you get your own Gatorade and cupcakes after the game??
All three kids had some sort of a little virus for a few days.  Everyone seemed to bounce back quite well, although I think we gave it to both my mom and Jason, sorry!  We did miss the bus one day, that was a fiasco, but it had to happen for the first time sometime, and I’m pretty sure it won’t be the last.  The kids enjoyed another tea party with their Nana complete with brownies!  We played outside quite a bit, Gwyn and Annie play outside most everyday waiting for Jacob to come home on the bus. 

 Gwyn is getting quite good on her little scooter:

Brian did introduce all three kids to one of the greatest foods of all-time:  Easy Cheese.  Jacob and Annie did not like it, but Gwyn did not disappoint him!
We also played Go Fish with the kids.  It is pretty funny to play with them.  A few things we learned are that 1)  The game is best played while Annie is napping 2) If you ask Jacob for any 6s, it is best to ask for ALL of his 6s or his next turn he will ask you for those 6s back to go along with the other 6 he didn’t give you 3) Try to not listen to Gwyn who announces loudly what card she drew after her turn is over.
Loved this picture that Jason got of the kids giving their funny faces, check out Gwyn, ha!!
 Our little family of pumpkins...Jacob was quite upset with how Annie's turned out, he said, "she didn't even put a nose or mouth on it!"  I tried to explain that she did her best!!
 Annie doing what Annie does best, pushing chairs around to get into whatever she wants.  I was upstairs with my mom and we couldn't find Annie.  I made a comment about how she probably went downstairs, dumped a drink out on the floor or turned on the water in the bathroom and will then come back up like she didn't do anything.  Sure enough she had taken every tissue out of a box on the kitchen floor and then walked back upstairs like nothing happened, little stinker!
 My mom and I went to a little fall market, which had way too many jewelery and hair bow booths, but we did come home with some bows for Gwyn and Annie!
Here are a few pictures of this week’s artwork.  I spilled water on the ones that have the American flag on it.    I told her that I spilled water on it, and she shrugged her shoulders and told me that she forgave me.  Jacob later told me he forgave me too since his was the American flag. 

Funny things the kids said this week:

Jacob:  Hold this for me Mommy.
Me (as I stick out my hand):  What is it?
Jacob:  A grasshopper.
Gwyn:  Mommy, Annie said tootie.  I told her no potty talk.
Jacob:  Daddy, why do you have a red dot on your nose?
Gwyn:  Mommy, Annie isn’t playing Simon says right.  I keep telling her how, and she isn’t doing it right.
Me to Annie as she is picking her nose:  What do you have in there Annie?
Annie:  Boogers.
Annie whenever she wants something:  Annie’s turn?

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