Sunday, January 29, 2012

Love these sweet faces!

Love these precious kiddos!  I had to take this when we got home from church because I loved Gwyn's outfit which she selected herself, polka dot tights and gold shoes, and a sleeveless dress in January...gotta love this Houston weather!!  We had a great week...Brian took Jacob along with 15 other Kindergarten Dads and their sons to a Houston Aeros hockey game.  Jacob loved it, and had so much fun with Brian and his friends.  Jacob also has two bottom front teeth that are FINALLY loose.  He has been wanting to lose a tooth for a very long time.  Since he's young for his grade, I knew he would be a little behind, and when he found out his teeth were loose we started with a plan.  He is eating an apple every day for two weeks to see if that helps to loosen them up.  He is on a mission!  Jacob is still liking basketball, although this week the best part about it was that we were in charge of snack after the game and I brought basketball cookies!  Gwyn and Annie play so good together.  It is so much fun to hear them talk about things, they play babies all the time, and now Gwyn (who LOVES to sing and make up songs) is teaching Annie songs too!

Brian had put on his calendar that Phineas and Ferb were going to be at Chick Fil A, and you get free ice cream if you wear your pajamas.  We were so there!
 Gwyn was a big talker about hugging Perry or high-fiving Ferb, but when we got there, she had to be coaxed into standing next to Daddy for the picture...she's still all talk!
 Jacob loved it!
 Oh yes, we'll take our free ice cream with all the toppings we can manage to put on!
 Gwyn may have been scared about Phineas and Ferb, but she'll take her free ice cream any day!  A sweet friend brought us some cookies after I watched her little boy one day...the kids thought she was awesome!
 I took Gwyn and Annie up to eat lunch with Jacob this week.  We brought up Chick Fil A, but since it was Thursday (pizza day), he still chose to eat the cafeteria pizza...which they bring in Papa John's.  I thought it was funny that this picture shows his plate with the broccoli and fruit cocktail...all he eats is the pizza!  Here he is with Gwyn:
 And here he is doing what big brothers do to their little sisters:
 Annie was just very content sucking down her very own juice box, she is a huge fan of going to eat with Jacob!
 I took Jacob to a birthday party of one of his classmates at this trampoline place.  It was crazy...Brian would go berserk there, and yes, Jacob already said he wants to have his party there, which I must say is a much more affordable idea than flying everyone to Disney world as he had previously suggested.
 Brian is building some cabinets for our bathroom.  Jacob loves to help, he's especially good at using the shop vac to vacuum up all the sawdust.  He does like using the nail gun too:
The kids were outside helping...they need their breaks too, and lemonade is their drink of choice!
 I had to capture these pictures of Annie...she was really upset that Brian had taken her pretzels.  I looked at Brian thinking how could he possibly take this sweet girls pretzels?  Well, the whole story is that he said no more snacks until dinner.  He then had to take some gold fish she found away, then he took her pretzels away, then he turned back around and she had gotten into Jacob's party favor and eaten about 5 Hershey kisses!
 "Daddy took my pretzels!"

 Emily sent Gwyn this little fairy garden for her birthday.  We all had a great time this week putting it together, and those shrinky dinks worked so well!  Brian took Jacob to the baseball clinic, so the girls and I finished putting everything together on it while they were gone.  She was quite proud:
 What is a better place to take your Sunday afternoon nap than laying on Daddy??  She dressed herself again for church, she's into colorful tights!
 Jacob's teacher sent out these pictures of the science experiments I much fun:
 Jacob was proud of his Mommy:
One last picture of Annie:
Funny things the kids said this week:
Annie (crying):  Jacob called me a nerd.
Gwyn:  Jesus put mud on someones eyes who couldn't see and when he washed it away he was happy!
Me:  Why was he happy?
Gwyn:  I don't know
Me:  Do you think it was because He healed him and the blind man could finally see?
Gwyn:  Yes, that's it!
Annie (while playing with Gwyn):  Ready, setty, go!
Me to Gwyn:  When you are 5, do you want to play basketball like Jacob?
Gwyn:  Yes, and will you bring the basketball cookies??
Annie:  I don't like water, I only like juice!
Annie:  Jacob said potty talk.
Me:  What did he say?
Annie:  Booger.

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