Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow in Houston!

 Okay, it didn't snow in Houston, but we did get to play in the snow!  Our club filled an outside tennis court with enough snow to create six lanes for the kids to sled down.  Jacob and Gwyn were so excited about this.  Jacob went by himself, and then Brian went with Gwyn and Annie:

Needless to say, that was Gwyn and Annie's last run, but Jacob and Brian went for some more!!  Jacob and Gwyn each took a snowball home, Jacob's is still in our freezer, but poor little Gwyn's melted before we even got home:(

Monday was MLK day, and Jacob was out of school, but Gwyn was in school.  It is rare to have Jacob home during the day, so we took a friend of his and had a fun day out...playing going to Chick Fil A.  Annie loved tagging along.

I could watch her run all day long, it is so cute!!

Here is one of Gwyn's talents, which she is super proud of...we are trying to discourage her, but I think we laughed too much the first few times she did it and now she wants to do it all the time.  I'm hoping that was just an old wives tale about her face getting stuck like that!!

Today was Donuts with Dads at Jacob's school.  Brian and Jacob walked up to school together to go eat donuts and juice, Jacob thought it was just great.  Afterwards, Brian had signed up to be the Mystery Reader in Jacob's class.  We had to send his teacher a few clues, and Jacob just knew it was Brian.  The clues were 1) He can talk like Chewbacca 2) He likes to play volleyball and swim 3) His favorite thing to eat for dinner is raw fish and Swedish fish for dessert 4) He has built all the furniture in his kids' rooms.  Jacob was super excited when Brian came into his class to read, he got to sit up beside Brian who chose to read "Shark vs Train: who would win" and "Duck Soup" a couple of favorites at our house.  Jacob loves his Dad!

Gwyn loves her little dog she got from Nana and Papa for Christmas.  She named her snowflake since she is white (and she is a girl).  Snowflake sometimes is bad and Gwyn has to smack her on the nose or sit her in time out.
Love how Annie likes to watch TV in the mornings when we're getting everyone ready for school.  She's got the best seat in the house, although I'm not sure for how much longer...the wheels are already bending in pretty good!

Annie continues to be the a little firecracker.  Her latest is that she will lay down for her nap, get up, and then go into Jacob’s room to poop.  Poor Jacob has no idea what goes on while he’s at school.  I’ve had to go change her and put her back down 4 days in a row.  She also closes all the doors upstairs every time she wakes up from her nap.  That is usually how I know she is up, I start hearing all the doors close.  She closes the one to her and Gwyn’s room, Jacob’s door, the guest room/playroom door, and the bathroom door.  I guess she just thinks that is her job and that is what she is supposed to do when she wakes up.  She also still just can’t stand for there to be pillows on couches.  I’ve watched her before just walk by a couch, throw the pillows on the floor, and then just keep on walking. 

We had a rough week with both Gwyn and Annie getting sick.  We probably had to give Gwyn about 10 breathing treatments over the course of just a few days.  I had to take the girls in to the Dr for Annie who had pink eye and a sinus infection, she is allergic to several antibiotics, but we got an expensive one that will hopefully kick this thing!  Sweet sisters at the Dr's office who were very concerned that they both got their stickers and suckers:
It is a treat when we go out to dinner and Jacob gets to get either Sprite or Root Beer, Gwyn always sticks with Lemonade.  You would think he'd have an aneurysm as fast as he drinks it!
Here was one of Jacob's homework assignments to write 5 sentences using "op" words.  One day he also had to gather soil in the backyard and write about what he saw.  He wrote "It is black and brown dirt.  I saw a bug in it."  So cute!
Funny things the kids said this week:
Me to Jacob as he got off the bus carrying a blue colored pencil:  Where did you get that?
Jacob:  I traded Big Ben for it on the bus.
Me:  What did you give him?
Jacob:  One of my empty hand sanitizers.
Me:  Nice trade!  (Brian met "big Ben" from the bus up at his school on Friday and he is skinnier than a rail, ha!)

Gwyn:  I know how to ice skate, and I know how to stop…you just fall over.
Me:  Where did you learn that?
Gwyn:  Peppa Pig.
Jacob:  I wish candy was a grow food, then we could have it all the time.
Gwyn:  Why does that girl at the big gym have a nail in her tongue?
Me:  I don’t know, that would really hurt and that isn’t very smart to do.  Where did you see her?
Gwyn:  At Jacob’s birthday party. (In July…she held on to that information since then and this is the first I’ve heard of it!)

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