Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pigtails, Basketball & Diet Coke

Meet Annie.  Or I should say Annie Bananie, since she will argue with you that she is Annie Bananie, not Annie or Annie Jaye.  She was supposed to be my go with the flow, easiest "I've-done-this-before" third baby, but she is not.  She is a troublemaker with a capital T.  She knows what she wants, she will let you know what that is and what you are doing wrong, and whatever you do...DON'T tell her no.  She doesn't like that one bit, ha!  She doesn't like giving hugs, and to get a kiss from her I usually have to act like I'm crying (yes, sadly, I do that in order to get a kiss!).  She does like to have fun, and we do have A LOT of fun with her.  She makes us laugh out loud all the time, she can be such a little goofball.  She has such fine hair that is finally starting to grow a little more and she has been walking around with a little mullet for quite some time.  You should see her after we give her a bath and brush it out, it is so cute!  It's short in the front and really long in the back.  Just this week, she has FINALLY started letting me put little pigtails in her hair and she is seriously, the cutest little 2 year old ever!!  We love our Annie:
Here is a video of her telling me her name:

Most of the kids on Jacob's soccer team decided to play basketball together through a little church league.  They are so fun to watch.  The first game, a kid on the other team scored a goal for our team.  His team has had two basketball games so far, and I promise you his team has improved 100% in the second game compared to the first game.  The goal is 6', they start with a bible lesson and prayer in the center of the court, play 2 six minute quarters, then every kid gets to shoot a free throw, play 2 more six minute quarters, and end with every kid shooting a free throw.  I love this league!!
 The kids before the game:
 Jacob shooting his free throw, he's made one in each of the two games (yes, he's that AWESOME!).  If you look closely you'll notice his tongue sticking out while he's concentrating on his shot.
 Little Gwyn loves supporting her brother:)
 Annie always gets the best seat in the house:
 Jacob’s Kindergarten class has a parent come in once/month and do either a cooking/science lesson, usually tied in with a book.  I had signed up at the beginning of the year for this month, and I found out that everyone in the previous months had done cooking.  Well, I had to do science and I decided to bring it…go big or go home.  Here was my wagon of supplies I brought in:
I also had a few bags I was carrying as well.  I brought in some dry ice, and we talked about solid/liquid/gas, and how dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide and goes through sublimation directly from a solid to a gas.  I tried to use very simple terms, but I started off saying observation several times, and his teacher asked if any of the kids knew what that she explained it meant to look.  I did catch myself saying sublimation, decomposition, and isobaric chamber, but the kids were just interested in all the cool stuff they were seeing and weren't listening to me anyway!  We made bubbles with CO2 in them, rainbow milk with soap and milk, fake snow (which they got to take home), and little soap geysers with hydrogen peroxide and yeast.  I tried to talk about how science makes discoveries that make our lives ever.  I took in a diaper to show how that "fake snow" is the best invention ever!!  Seriously, the kids thought I was AWESOME!  Jacob’s teacher loved it, and I’ll post next week all the pictures she took and is putting them on the Kindergarten blog at school.  At the end all the kids ran up and were hugging me, and one little girl said “I love you,” to which Jacob proudly stepped in and said, “Hey, that’s my mommy!”  It was a great day, I had a smile on my face for the rest of the day.  I know this time is short lived, and he’ll soon be embarrassed of me when he’s trying to act cool in front of his friends, but I also know that he loves me and that I'm lucky to be his Mom.

So, after school we decided to make use of those mentos that Santa left in Jacob's stocking.  I made the kids line up and take their picture before we did it:
 Love Annie's little pigtails while she's after Gwyn...notice Gwyn picked out both of their clothes that day, they match:

Here are a couple of videos of the diet coke and mentos experiment:

Jacob did have his first real bike wreck last weekend, it scared me and Brian to death.  He had his helmet on, but we did think he might have a concussion, but seemed to snap out of it pretty quick when we gave him a fudgescicle...which he says is the best medicine ever!  Jason also came over last weekend and took Jacob and Gwyn to lunch and then to his man cave, which the kids called his "hide out."  They got to sing, dance, play the drums and eat CANDY!  The kids had a great time, and Brian and I watched a movie together during Annie's nap...a very rare treat for us!!

Funny things the kids said this week:

Jacob:  That’s ridictable.
Me:  Do you mean ridiculous or predictable.
Jacob:  Mommy, I mean ridictable.  (oh, okay)

1 comment:

McGillen Family said...

You are the coolest mom EVER. Love that you did such cool science experiments!