Friday, March 2, 2012

Go Texan Day...we are officially converted!

It was Go Texan Day here in Houston, apparently this is a HUGE deal and it used to be a school holiday since the Rodeo is in town.  Gwyn got to dress up, their class decorated a big cow as a duck (since she is in the Duck class).  Jacob had square dancing at his school, so Annie and I went up to watch.  Jacob was decked out in his cowboy gear, and his $3.00 Wal-Mart cowboy hat that has lasted 4 years of Western Days!
 A few of his friends in his square dancing circle.  Jacob said he danced with one of the girls because they told him he HAD to do it...ahhh, I can remember my square dance partner, Joel Workman at Central Elementary.
 Cutest cowboy there!
 Annie wasn't much into dancing, she wanted a snack as soon as we walked into the gym, so the entire time I was trying to watch Jacob and film him, she kept asking for a snack:
Me, Jacob and Annie:

Here are a few cute videos (I love how he "honors his partner"):

 Another picture of Gwyn:
 Gwyn is still styling in her polka dot tights and gold sparkly shoes that she pretty much wears everywhere....not sure how much longer this phase is going to last, but really, how many times in your life can you wear gold sparkly shoes on a daily basis??
 Annie is still into her babies, here she's got two in her little car:
 Annie loves Gwyn, and on days that Gwyn is in school, Annie will say, "I want Ginny" when she is upset:
 Jacob has a home reader he brings home each week of books to read over the weekend.  One book was "Ben's Treasure Hunt."  Jacob loves this book, so I told him when he came home from school on Wednesday that I would have him a treasure hunt.  I set up 7 clues, and he was able to read just about everything and ended up with 3 little packs of Nerds (his favorite candy) with a final note saying to share with Gwyn and Annie.  He also had a friend ride the bus home with him from school yesterday for an after school playdate...he thought he was big stuff, and Gwyn and Annie thought they had a friend over too.  Jacob is into baseball season now, he got some new cleats that make him super fast.  Jacob's basketball pictures:

Brian and I were missing Louisiana this week, since he would have a day off for Mardi Gras and we would be able to eat a King Cake.  Julie surprised us with a gourmet French King Cake that Brian and I finished off after having it after dinner on Tuesday and then breakfast on Wednesday!  Poor Gwyn was not feeling well at all last week, it is a rare sight for her to nap:
 Poor thing!
 Feeling better:
 And back to normal!
 Lil Annie in her boots, she's so cute!
 Jacob with his shirt Em got him for his birthday last year...this is pre-haircut he got late this week:
 If you want to go out to dinner with us, there is a good change you'll end up with at least one, possibly two kids on your lap...makes eating things you have to pick up very hard!
 Jacob and Brian went with about 12 other Kindergarten Dads and boys to Laser Quest last weekend, they all had camo bandannas on and face paint...the Dads had a great time (Brian came in 1st both games, so there is a challenge for more to come).  He had a great time just hanging out with his Dad:
 Here is some artwork from the week, Jacob's drawing of Darth Vader and a heart for me and Brian:
 Some math and writing of Jacob's, Gwyn's people are evolving, belly buttons are still a major focus:
 Loved this giraffe of Jacob's:
 Oh, if only Gwyn knew what all Annie got into of hers while she was in school, Gwyn's jewelry boxes are prized possessions, and Annie goes right for them (as well as Jacob's art set he got for Christmas), it is pretty funny how in tune she is to the things they DO NOT want her to get into, so of course she goes straight for them whenever the opportunity arises!  She still hates pillows on the couch (which I pick up multiple times/day), and her new thing is she just can't stand the paper wrapped around crayons...she HAS to take it off all the crayons she uses...wonderful.

We are excited about this next week...Daddy Daughter Bake Off at church...Brian is bringing his A game, and Gwyn is ALL about how this is hers and Brian's, not Jacob's or Annie's which she reminds them of constantly.  I've also got Neely flying down for the weekend, so excited about her visit!!

Funny things the kids said this week:
Gwyn (about 20 times / day):  What can I do now?
Jacob (when we saw we had a big frog who was hogging all the food from the little frog):  Why would Santa give me a bully frog?
Gwyn (while drinking her slushy from Sonic):  Mommy, no part of me is freezing, not my legs, my brain, or my tummy.

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