Saturday, March 9, 2013

Baseball, Weeds and Donuts with Dads

Spring time is here and baseball is in the air!  Jacob had his first two scrimmages after only one practice...his team is mainly first graders playing with 2nd and 1st graders so they have their work cut out for them.  It is already amazing how far they have come with just a few more practices...should be a fun season and I can't wait for Gwyn to start t-ball...if the tennis lessons (that she ran off the court crying after about 30 seconds) are any indication of how t-ball will go we are in for a LONG season with her...thank goodness those were free, ha!  Here is Jacob batting:
 I did get a video of his first hit of the year:

Jacob was a weed in his first grade play How Does Your Garden Grow.  It was SO sweet, and of course I teared up during the sweet song about how every kid is a seed and the parents help them to grow.  I have been up at his school helping with the play...teaching the dance routines, microphone mom and was a very long 5 weeks of preparation, but the kids did so well.  Gwyn knows the entire play, word for word all the speaking parts and dance moves and songs.  Gwyn already knows she wants to be a flower and Annie, of course, wants to be a weed like Jacob.  Gwyn would put headphones on and walk around with Jacob's itouch reciting the entire play...the music was on my phone and his itouch and so we listened to it every single glad it is over, ha!

Jacob had a little solo rap during the weeds song:

I took the kids to Academy this week.  Jacob needed another pair of tennis shoes, as I had to cut off a rubber part that was flapping with scissors.  Somehow he went directly to the $80 tennis shoes, which I said no.  Gwyn however was easily talked into the Academy brand of cheaper tball cleats because they had a pink stripe on them...that's my girl!  Gwyn is doing well in gymnastics...can't believe how fast she is doing cartwheels and handstands.  Annie is patiently waiting to start gymnastics/dance with Emerson in the Fall...I do have to remind her that she gets to do it in several months:)  I got a call from school this week, Jacob was in pain and pulling on his ear.  A trip to the Dr to confirm an ear infection and two doses of antibiotics later he was good to go!  

NEWSFLASH!! Jacob has learned to text from his itouch...he has to be connected to wifi, but be prepared to get texts from him.  It is actually really good for his reading because he's reading everything that he gets in return and spelling things out (although he does not like autocorrect, ha! welcome to the world buddy!).  He had texted everyone that I had put in his phone and he said "Daddy, you haven't texted me back."  Brian told him his phone was in another room, so Jacob quickly went and got it for Brian so he could sit right down beside him and they could text each other.  We got in the car to leave, and he said he really needed to get back home so he could get onto wifi, ha!  We've created a monster!

Gwyn and Annie had Donuts with Dads at their preschool.  This is a much anticipated day for the girls, and they had each made Brian a cardboard bow tie to wear...Brian's boss had called him that morning for a meeting and he said he couldn't be there until 9:30...Donuts with Dads was priority!
Love those should see their faces when they get donuts with pink icing and sprinkles!!
Gwyn and Annie started swim lessons this week...we are going once/week until probably May.  I'm really hoping we can get Annie swimming and lifting her head at the beginning of the summer...would make my life MUCH easier this summer...I long to be one of the moms who gets to sit at the side of the pool and read a book, have a drink and WATCH the kids swim rather than participate:)  Gwyn is doing really well, she and Jacob are going to try the neighborhood swim team in June and are pretty excited about it.
Love this little face!
Neely sent Gwyn this precious little dress for her birthday...she just looked so darn cute in it!
Oh my little stubborn, troublemaker Annie.  She got in trouble for tearing down the clothes in her closet...about 4 days in a row...she loves picking out her clothes and then wants to change about 5 times/day...I can't keep up with laundry because she does usually dirty everything up.  So, her punishment for pulling down her clothes off the hangers was that I got to pick out her clothes for 3 days (and she isn't allowed in her closet) would have thought I had ran over her puppy...she looked cute but the fact that I picked it out was TORTURE!
I did take Annie to a birthday party for two boys in her class...she was a little shy at first but soon perked up and had a good time.

Brian was out of town one night last week and surprisingly we didn't have anything after school, so I took the kids over to Jason's and we had an urban camp out in his backyard complete with roasted hot dogs and smores.  The kids loved it!

Loved this artwork the girls made the other sweet!
Gwyn is getting really good with the scissors and coloring inside the lines:)
This was too funny...I had seen these hanging up in Jacob's classroom, the other kids had colored patterns on their mittens and Jacob covered a wild animal that he said was dying (see the blood).  Nice. I blame Papa:)
How cute is this water color cowboy Jacob made...LOVE this!
This was the paper doll that Jacob had cut out and then used as an example in the other two first grade classes...he is a perfectionist...not sure where he gets that, ha (BRIAN!)!
Funny things the kids said this week:

Annie:  Daddy, you have lots of hair on your skin.
Jacob:  There is this place called Jason's Deli.  Does Jason own that?
Jacob (after passing California Pizza Kitchen):  Wait!!  Did we drive all the way to California??
Jacob (pointing to an oil spot on Jason's garage floor):  That is worth a lot of money.  If you have that on your land, people pay you a lot of money for it.
Gwyn (while shopping at Academy):  That costs a lot of have to be rich to get that.
Jacob:  That is not rich, that is only $100, I have $32 so even I'd have $100 in another year or so.  To be rich, you'd have to buy something that costs $1,000.  Seriously.
Jacob:  There are 5,280 feet in a mile.

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