Thursday, February 28, 2013

Proud to be TEXANS!

We had Go Texan Day down here, celebrating the start of the Rodeo in Houston...a 3 week long huge production.  The kids enjoyed getting dressed up, although having Jacob tuck in his shirt almost killed him...then when I showed up to his square dancing he had it untucked!  Here he is with his square dance partner (who we LOVE)...Anna Lee:
Me and my can tell he is really into getting his picture taken with his mom in front of all his friends:
 Jacob and one of his best buddies:
 I just love that face!
 Jacob and another one of his little buddies:
Here is Jacob square dancing with his class:

I know the blog has been very "Jacob" heavy, as he seems to be doing so much with basketball, which is over, cub scouts, and now the start of baseball...two scrimmages this weekend and we've already had 2 practices this week!  Don't worry...the girls are having fun and getting involved in some things as well.  Gwyn and Annie both start swim lessons next week...looking forward to Annie being able to swim at the beginning of summer!
 Sweet Gwyn is still very into her American Girl doll, and wears these pajamas about 3-4 times a week or as often as they are clean...which considering I do laundry about 6 out of 7 days...she gets to wear them quite a bit!  I took her to American Girl to spend a gift card she had gotten from a friend, she was super excited to get matching clothes like her doll.  She dresses her up in a different outfit everyday, it is so sweet:
 I took this on the day that Oklahoma was getting snow...shorts, skirts and short sleeves for us in Houston...yes, we do LOVE being Texans!
 Annie at Gwyn's gymnastics in an outfit she picked herself, and had to wear her duck hat she made at school upside down...nice!

Gwyn has still got the moves when it comes to Hula Hoopin'...and she has the high score by about 40 spins on the Wii Hula Hoop game that Jason got her for her birthday.  I think I'm second highest at 40 spins and she has 85!!

Jacob had his Tiger Cub banquet...poor guy had not earned a badge all year and he got two at the banquet...the kids had fun, they had a band of cub scouts open up with some rock and roll music, the kids loved it.
 Jacob and Brian drove down to Corpus Christie to stay over night on the battleship USS Lexington.  It was amazing, Jacob had so much fun...they were 3 or 4 bunks high with about 2 ft between each bunk, not air conditioned where they were sleeping and had to share the bathroom with about 70 people.  Jacob LOVED it!  Brian, not so much!

Jacob received his first love note:
 When I asked him who he thought it was from, he quickly said Isabelle because she had told him she liked his singing and even wrote about it in her journal in class...then he said, "or it could be Daylan."  Ha!
 Gwyn and Annie brought home some very TEXAN artwork this week:

Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob:  Sam Houston is the father of Texas.  His last words were "Texas, Texas, Margaret."  He liked Texas and his wife."
Gwyn:  My belly is soft.
Gwyn:  I get sad when Annie gets hurt.
Jacob (after coming home from watching a movie about Michael Jordan):  This kid wears these shoes that Michael Jordan wore, and Michael Jordan was I guess good at basketball, and then this kid gets to play in the NBA even though he is a kid, as long as he wears those shoes.  (I love it that he is telling us about Michael Jordan while wearing some Air Jordans himself, clueless!)
Annie (to Gwyn):  You hurt my feelings.
Gwyn:  How did I do that?
Annie:  I don't know.  But you did.

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