Monday, April 15, 2013

Time is Flying By!

Not too much to say this week, we've been crazy busy.  We are loving life, but time is flying by!
Sweet little Annie Jaye, she loves her sweaters and I'm sure I must look like an odd mom who sends her to preschool in a sweater even on hot days...she loves to wear them and wears them every single day.  She is my little goofy kid, she is so funny and loves to smile:)
 Sweet little Gwyn now wants her hair to be braided while it is wet and then undo it so that her hair gets a little curl in it (poor thing will have to learn to live with straight fine hair just like me!).  I've promised to try out sponge rollers on her one night, I just haven't managed to remember to look for them at Target yet.  I remember my mom rolling my hair at night with it wet and waking the next morning to curly sue hair!
Sweet girl is loving tball, especially loves that the whole family goes to watch her.  Jacob of course is all serious from the side lines and is yelling at her in this picture to stand on 3rd base, not next to it.  He was so afraid someone was going to throw her out (as if the other team of 4-5 yr olds could manage to throw and catch a ball).  Ha!
 A friend of mine and I took our 5 year olds to the high school dance teams spring show this weekend.  It was 2 hours, but was so fun, Gwyn loved it!
 Jacob had two bad bounces while playing pitcher.  One got his eye and the other got his chin.  I taught him to say when someone asked him what happened "You should see the other guy."  It was so funny watching him say it, he practiced and practiced it and then said this tough statement with a big grin on his face, ha!
 Spring pictures for Jacob, I LOVE this toothless little boy:)
 I'm loving the artwork Annie is coming home with:

 Loved Jacob's writing about what love is..."Love is for a lot of people it is for my mom and dad and my techre (teacher) Miss Ramey and my gandparns (grandparents) and evrybutey (everybody).
Here are a couple of videos of the diving work the kids are doing in swim lessons...we need a lot of work!

Little Annie singing in the car:

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