Monday, April 29, 2013

Catching Up

I am playing catch up with everything lately, my days are filled to the brim and it is just enough to live it, sometimes I don't have time to document it for my 1-2 readers, ha!  Jacob has swim lessons and baseball in full swing, three games this week alone!  Gwyn is doing gymnastics, swim lessons and tball, and little Annie is doing swim lessons and attending everything of her siblings with a smile on her face!  I took the girls to the park this week and met a friend from church, the weather has been unbelievable here in Houston, sunny and cool, perfect.  We are usually sweating to death already!

My friend Julie gave us a bike for Gwyn with no training wheels.  Gwyn was begging all week for Brian to teach her how to ride her bike without training wheels for the first time.  After 45 minutes of back breaking holding by Brian (who fully expected it to go just as Jacob did with one push and he was riding by himself!) we are just where we started and are still riding with training wheels.
Here is a video:
My mom visited briefly during her sister's trip to San Antonio, we were able to have dinner with everyone, the kids loved seeing Susie.  My Dad is in town now for a week and is able to catch 3 of Jacob's games and 2 of Gwyn's games.  We also took Gwyn to see a friend of ours play softball, so she kind of sees what she will be doing next year since tball is so much different.  It was quite fun, Jacob is a hit with the girls in his class...they were all like, "Jacob came to watch us???"

The girls and I had a night out, complete with frozen yogurt, pizza, and a trip to the American Girl doll store where Gwyn got her dolls ears pierced (like hers) and Annie picked out an outfit for her Bitty Baby as a reward for not wetting the bed for 2 full weeks!!  Whooo hooo, we are now at 3 weeks!  They had a great time and loved some girl time that was just for them.
 Gwyn showing off her dolls earrings:

 This was such a cute picture, too bad the sun was just a little too bright on Gwyn's face.
 Brian took Jacob and two of his friends to the Astros game where Jacob made the Jumbo tron for the second time in two months...he says he is famous now!
Here is one zoomed in a bit more:
Jacob with his buddies in about the 3rd row!
 Orbit made a stop at their seats!
I love that Annie and Jacob are buddies, I caught them watching TV together:
Little Annie fell asleep on my piles of clean laundry, so sweet, she is still my little snorer!
 She was reading to her baby outside:
Love this sweet girl!
Oh wow, this one freaked me out a bit.  I got some sticker books for the kids to make faces...Annie's are very interesting and will probably give me nightmares for weeks:
 Jacob's artwork, learning about the parts of a flower:
Gwyn made this watercolor flower, so cute!
Jacob lost his 4th tooth, now he has lost his two front upper and bottom teeth...the tooth fairy brought him 5 sticker packs for his baseball book and two gold $1 coins...he was pretty happy with his loot:

Here is my sweet new boy's toothless smile:
Here are some of the flowers we planted this week, and thanks to my Dad watering them they aren't dead yet:

Funny things the kids said this week:
Annie:  Claire doesn't know my name, she calls me stinky sock.
Gwyn:  Mommy, it is a little more than a little chilly, I need a coat.
Gwyn:  You aren't going to that hot lava and fire place, right?  (Apparently, Jacob and Brian had a conversation about the other place than Heaven and he told Gwyn and Gwyn told Annie.)
Jacob (while we were planting flowers in pots outside):  These are just going to die since we won't water them.
Me to Gwyn:  The good news is that I fixed the TV in the playroom.
Gwyn:  I know some other good news.  We are going to eat frozen yogurt with Avery.
Jacob (while reading a home reader):  This is only a 17, I'm on level 20.  Look at this, this author gave away the whole store on the first page.  What is this?  This word is bolded and there isn't even a glossary.  (Apparently, him reading this book was a waste of his time since he was so past that level, ha!)  Maybe he'll be a book critic, ha!

Funnies thing in a very long time.  Jacob was out of school today and the girls were in school, so we had a rare day together.  I took him to Target and he brought $22 to buy a new Wii game.  He was checking out and it was $21.64.  He gave the checkout guy $21.  I told him to give him the other $1 and he will give him change back.  The guy was handing Jacob his change back and had his hand in a fist, expecting Jacob to open his hand and he would drop the change in.  Jacob thought he was fist pumping him, so he gave him a fist pump.  Hilarious!!  LOVE THAT KID!

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