Monday, May 20, 2013

Gwyn's Last Day of Pre-K and Tball

Sweet little Gwyn had her last  tball game, of course she didn't get to play because of her cast, but we did go to the game followed by the team party where Gwyn received her first trophy!  She was pretty proud of it.  She thought it was great the player on her trophy had a pony tail so she knew it was just for her!

Gwyn also had her last day of Pre-K, here she is with her sweet little class and is off to Kindergarten in the Fall, boo hoo!
She is just so stinking cute!
I did her end of year party, she was in the Turtle class, so they all painted ceramic turtle piggy banks.  Poor little Annie woke up that day with a fever, so she didn't get to go to her class party or participate in the end of year program:(

Here is a video of one of Gwyn's songs during the end of year program...I love how she knows all the words and sings them loud!

With both girls being out of school, we've been having some fun days just the three of us.  We started off by letting Gwyn pick out her very own backpack for next year...we already sent this to G for her to put her name on it...and she just thought she was retiring, we are putting her to work!
I forgot how much fun Pottery Barn Kids is for the girls to play, just different toys than we have at home.  At one point Annie picked up the play telephone, said, "Hello Emmy? Okay, play at my house or yours?  Ok. Bye!"  So Cute!
Sweet girls were so proud of their little face paintings:

I needed to make a trip to the Target, so we went to the one attached to the mall and the girls rode the carousel and had Chick Fil A.

Love that sweet face! Poor Annie was so excited about her swim lessons, that are all by herself, but they were canceled last week since someone had an accident in the pool.  She gets double this week and is already talking about it to make sure Gwyn doesn't get to go, just her...poor third child!
We went over to Jason's and had lunch and watched a movie in the middle of the day...that theater gets plenty of use!
Pretty little Annie has only had one haircut in her life, and we thought it was time to even things up a bit...she was pretty excited:)

Everything is good when it ends with them giving you a sucker!
Jacob finished Tiger Cubs...not sure if we will do this again next year.  Jacob loved the camping part, but it was a bit much, especially forward thinking to next year with Gwyn trying soccer, basketball and softball as well, wow, I'm getting exhausted just thinking about it!  Although I ran into my neighbor and she said that I will miss the busyness once it is gone!
 Here is a video of Jacob crossing the bridge from a Tiger Cub to a Wolf...the song they are going over to is Eye of the Tiger:

I was doing some filing and came across one of my Christmas presents...a zombie family for the back of my car.  I decided to put them on Brian's car...I think he may redirect the kids purchases in the future, ha!
I love this book Gwyn made in her cute!

Funny things the kids said this week:
Gwyn:  What if my finger really was broke?
Me:  It is broke, that is why we had to put it in a cast.
Gwyn:  No, I mean what if it was broke off.
Me:  Well, we'd have to get it and bring it to the Dr to sew it back on.
Jacob:  Yes, like we did to your other finger when mommy shut it in the door (Thanks Jacob for bringing that up again!)
Gwyn:  What is your next name? (She calls middle names your next name)
Annie:  When I jump in the pool I'm going to yell "Cannon Box"

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