Monday, May 13, 2013

Broken Finger, Frog Legs and a Blessed Mom:)

 If I would have laid money on it, I would have said Jacob would be the one to break the first bone of all the kids...but no, it was Gwyn!  She broke it Wednesday, running off the playground to line up to go home.  She cried but was fine pretty quickly, and still wanted to go to gymnastics.  She just couldn't bring her pinky to touch her ring finger.  It didn't hurt as long as she kept it like this...I'm no doctor but that didn't look right!
 She did say she could make perfect Longhorns with her finger like that, ha!
 She was fine until the cast was about to go on.  She heard not doing gymnastics or swimming for 4 weeks and went a little crazy.  It did help that she got a pink cast with a purple heart on it.  I know I'm a bad mom for taking these pictures, I'm only putting in 2 of the about 10 I took:)  She just didn't understand, her finger didn't hurt as long as she left it sticking out, and how does a cast heal, it just sits there doing nothing??

All smiles after Daddy wrote her name in her heart on it and gave her extra attention.  We had the last cub scouts den meeting at the house that night, 10 of Jacob's friends at the house telling her how cool it was.  She was enjoying the limelight!  After they left she asked to take it off again:)  She has done great with it and it hasn't slowed her down at all.  Wore it to class the next, has gotten lots of people to sign it and is enjoying the attention.
 Here is a close up of the xray showing a break all the way across with the bone just shifted, which is why her finger was shooting out to the side:
 Love the xray of her little hand, too bad she had already covered X in class or she could have cut that out and taken it to pre-K!
 Jason had tickets to the Astros, so he and I took only her, she rarely gets to do something by herself and she loved it!
 I've never been this close to the field before, she did ask about the second inning which team we were cheering for when she finally came up from air from her hot dog and snowcone:
 She loved Orbit:

This was the first day of swim team practice.  Two months of lessons for Gwyn, and she got to practice for two days.  I guess you have to laugh it off, right?
 Jacob shocked me and ordered fried frog legs off the menu, and ate the entire plate.  He had nothing left but a stack of frog leg bones, yuck!  He thought they were awesome!
 On Tuesday, a friend picked up Annie for a playdate and I got some one on one time with Gwyn.  We went and got her hair cut, she looked so cute!
 We then went to the book store and then to get cupcakes.  She said it really isn't fair that Jacob and Annie don't get that  girl!

 Jacob and Gwyn working on a campfire outback:
 Jacob has discovered making people, animals out of folded paper.  He perfected one for his teacher to take back on Monday.
 Sweet little Annie:
 She was saying that she picked some "lellow" ones:

 Jacob playing catch with Brian, he is serious!

How blessed am I with these three beautiful kids!
 Some homemade cards for Mother's Day:

Apparently those stairs at the house in Gruene, TX stuck in Jacob's mind as well as all the adults, ha!
We have been busy, baseball has ended, swim team has started, tball has one last game / team party left next weekend, and gymnastics is over (ha!).  This past week I had muffins with Moms at Gwyn and Annie's school and Brian had donuts with Dads at Jacob's school.  It was also walk to school day that Jacob HAD to participate in!  Annie is now doing swim lessons on her own and is doing wonderful, I've got hope for being able to sit and watch  by the end of the summer!  Jacob is all about this author Kevin Henkes, he came home with this elaborate story of seeing a guy with a car with no top (convertible) and it looked just like Kevin Henkes.  I said who is that, a Rockets player since he is acting like it is a huge deal??  No, he says, like I'm crazy for not knowing.  It is Kevin Henkes, an author who is really good and writes a lot of stories with mice in them.  Oh, I see, ha!

Funny things the kids said this week:
Jacob:  When is kids day?
Brian:  Every day.

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