Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cannon Box!

Can't believe May is almost over, the heat is a rising here in Houston and summer is in full swing...almost, considering Jacob still has a full week of school left.  We have been hanging at the pool about every day with swim team practice.  Annie is finishing up her lessons this week and is doing amazingly well...I see a bright future of being able to sit at the side of the pool rather than be on duty in the pool in the near future:)  She is just so stinking cute, she was sticking her lip out the other day in the picture above.  She likes her hair in pigtails or braids, sometimes a single ponytail.  She likes to eat cucumbers and watermelon.  She likes to say "Cannon Box" when jumping into the pool:)
 Love those eyelashes:

 Such a sweet little girl:
Pool time at our house the other day...although we are limiting what we can since Gwyn is sidelined, we were able to let Gwyn hang on the steps and I swam around with her with her arm sticking up

 Love her!
 Jacob posing for me:
 I have been playing around with Instagram, which allows you to change your photos, it is pretty cool:
They let Gwyn come to her last gymnastics class to get her trophy and they had a little show for the the instructor was saying "Introducing Gwyn," Gwyn thought it was just great!
 Love the expression on her face:
 You'd have to zoom in to see how proud she was to stand up there with her trophy:)
Here are a couple of videos of the gymnastics performance:

Jacob up at swim team practice...he's blowing everyone out of the water since he is swimming 6 and Under since his birthday isn't until July...I told him after he said he beat everyone that there was one 4 year old you were racing against, ha!

A video of one of the time trials...Jacob does the length in about 37 seconds:

Girls drawing together while they wait on Jacob's practice to end...sweet sisters:
This is pretty much as long as Jacob's hair has ever been.  He was attempting to grow it out like this kid in his class who has very fine thin hair, it looked like the youngest boy from Eight is Enough, I told Jacob he didn't have hair quit like that kid, and one day I was finally able to comb it over to the side:
 He told me he wanted a summer cut, so off we went:)
 Love these sweet girls!
 And Instagram again!
Getting super sad about this sweet little girl going to Kindergarten in the Fall:(  I will miss her, but thankfully she is super excited about going.
I had taken the girls up to Jacob's school, we got Jacob out of class and we all went to the book fair...couldn't resist sharing this video of the girls skipping out afterwards:

Gwyn said, "I have eyes like Daddy's, but I like ketchup like you Mommy."
 I thought this was a pretty cool house that Jacob drew at school:
A new favorite of the kids this week....finding YouTube dance videos and dancing to them:
Funny things the kids said this week:
Gwyn:  If you eat too much meat you will turn into a meat.
Me to Annie:  Can you think of something fun for you and me to do next year since Gwyn will be in Kindergarten and it will just be me and you.
Annie:  Make dinner.
Me to Gwyn:  You are really special.
Gwyn:  Everyone in the whole world is special.
Gwyn:  Why did the chicken cross the road?
Me:  I don't know?
Gwyn:  To get to the other side so he wouldn't be squirted with water.  (Ok, we'll have to work on those jokes)
Jacob:  I really want two sisters and a brother.
Gwyn:  Mommy only prayed for a boy and two girls, so that is what she got.
Me to Jacob:  Why did you do Jump Rope for Heart?
Jacob:  To get a jump rope.
Me:  No, what was the reason the school did it...hint, it is Jump Rope for HEART.
Jacob:  Oh, you mean to get your picture on the wall in the gym?? (Clearly we have some work to do!)

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