Thursday, November 14, 2013

Daddy/Daughter Date Night, Strep, Book Character Parade

This sweet girl got to go on a date with her Daddy.  He took her to Flemings, she got spaghetti and meatballs, fruit, dessert and the biggest hit of the night...Dr Pepper to drink!  Jacob was seriously jealous.  Seriously.  That is Gwyn's word.  Awkward is Annie's word.  Dude is Jacob's word.  Please help me, I hear those words so much I'm trying to figure out where I went wrong!  We have officially survived strep throat, thank goodness we are done with it.  Jacob caught it from me, poor thing fell asleep on me in the doctors office:

Home from two days of school enabled Jacob to perfect a talent of his:

Gwyn was the second one down after Jacob:
 ipads and itouches make long office visits much more bearable!
Both Annie and Brian did escape from getting strep, but poor Annie had an eyelash in her eye.  1.5 hour eyelash drama was a very traumatic experience for both me and her:
She fells asleep for an hour after the eyelash miraculously is hard work to cry for that long!
School pictures came back for Jacob and Gwyn...can't believe how fast they are growing up!  And seriously (okay, I know where Gwyn got that!), how cute are they??

Annie got to go to Chuck E Cheese for a birthday party.  There used to be one by our house and it moved, and I have successfully avoided the new one for over 2 years.  Bad news is that Annie had the time of her life!  I don't know if it was because she got to go by herself without Jacob or Gwyn or that she just hadn't done a place like that in awhile...she is the third child, gets all hand me down clothes and shoes, and doing something by herself and new makes her go crazy!
 Gwyn had a book character parade at school.  The parents lined up as the kids paraded around the courtyard holding their books.
 I had Annie with me, so I didn't get the best video:

A very sad day at our house, when Brian and Jacob had to pay up on their bet with some neighbors who are from Boston about the World Series outcome.  Having to hang a Red Sox flag at our house ranks right up there with getting a root canal for Brian:(  After I took the picture Jacob asked Brian what kind of a face he made, he said, "I don't have to make a face, my normal face while touching that flag says enough."
We went to a BBQ cookoff this weekend where we learned that Jacob loves him some ribs.  He ate 9, cleaned them to the bone!
The new way to shop with your mom, Annie knows how to do it right!
Brian found his compass and a few other stencils from Architecture school and Gwyn and Annie have been using them daily.  I told Gwyn this was about the most perfect snowman I've ever seen!  She was proud of it as well!

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