Monday, November 25, 2013

We love Fall...ours just comes in December!

 We are finally experiencing some Fall weather, leaves are a falling and we've had to get out our heavy coats...aka as sweatshirt jackets!  We are taking full advantage of Jason's camera, love these pics of the kids:

We had a very busy week, with Rick and Sue visiting for a few days and both Gwyn and Annie had their  Thanksgiving programs...Gwyn was an Indian:
I was sitting on the opposite side of the room, so my video didn't come out that great:

 Sweet girl!

 I LOVED her artwork:

 This turkey was at her desk, I love how it has fancy big eyelashes since it is a girl turkey:

 Annie had Grandparents day, book fair, and her program.  I love her hand turkey:

Sue is taking full advantage of retirement:
Thanks to Jason, we got some 3rd row seats to the Rockets vs Celtics this week.  I took Jacob for a Mom/Son night, it was fun and he was pumped!
 Harden and Lin:
 Love hanging out with my sweet boy!
 No jumbotron this time, but her did get to help out the mascot "Clutch" silly string the guy sitting right next to me with an entire box of silly string cans...I had the absolute worst seat in the house!

Yesterday was the big Baylor vs OSU game, which we have been anticipating for a long time.  One of our best set of family friends both graduated from Baylor, so they stole our OSU flag and put their Baylor flag up in the yard...followed up by a picture of our flag hanging in their house as hostage:
 Our counterstrike was to put our license plate cover around their car and then didn't tell them about it for a few much fun...especially since we won!
We all wore our orange and went to Jason's to watch the game on the theater screen...Jacob was pumped!

This one barely made it to halftime:
Soccer season is over for both Gwyn and Jacob, hooray, ha!  She had a great year and loved it!
 When the cat is away, the mice will play in all their stuff...what do you get when you cross James Harden with a girl scout?
 Annie the little stinker put an entire box of kleenex in my washing machine.  I didn't notice it was in there until I was pulling clothes out of the washer and it looked like something exploded.  I put the clothes in the dryer thinking that I'd just clean the lint out and it would get everything clean.  We almost burned the dryer up, it was just caked inside the hose.  Thankfully to Rick and Brian and a shop vac that pulled it all out, we having an operational laundry room again!
 I took Gwyn to a sweet little Nutcraker performance with her Girl Scout troop, she looked beautiful!

Christmas has hit our house!  Yes, we are the crazies (much to Brian's disappointment) that decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving!

 We listened to Christmas and drank some hot chocolate, we've discovered Annie LOVES hot cocoa!
 This one has discovered those little specs of green and red in the queso at Taco Cabana are peppers, which he claims counts as vegetable.  He thinks he's good on vegetables for three weeks since he ate three cups of queso worth of vegetables!
 I love Gwyn's words, she has fee, fi, fo, fum under her F it!
Funny things the kids said this week:
Me to Gwyn:  Are you excited about Thanksgiving?
Gwyn:  Yes, we get to do lots of fun things like hug a lot of people.
Jacob when I took the kids out to eat without Brian:  I'm the man of the table.
Annie:  Eyeball, cheese eyeball, pepperoni eyeball (her word of the last couple of weeks)
Jacob yelling to Gwyn:  Report for duty!
Me to Gwyn since she is standing by me ignoring him:  What is Jacob wanting?
Gwyn:  Me to put away his laundry, but I don't want to today.
Jacob to Annie after a ball rolled down the stairs during a ball fight with Brian:  Annie, go get the ball for me.
Me to Jacob:  Don't make her go downstairs and do that, you just go.
Jacob:  She's my butler.

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