Sunday, December 15, 2013

Santa and the Nutcracker

 Merry Christmas!  We are loving this Christmas season, and we got a sweet picture above of the kids with Santa this year.  One of my favorite things to put out at Christmas time is all my framed pictures of the kids picture with Santa each year...2006:
I took all three kids to a little local dance company's production of The Nutcracker...the kids are right by the dancers and they serve a little tea/snack.  The kids had a great time and looked super cute all dressed up...Jacob is as dressed up as it comes when he is wearing his converse...which he calls his dress shoes.

 The crew with their buddies that went to the show, Annie absolutely LOVED it!
 They had a drawing at the end and  guess who won the Nutcracker, which she named "Nutty"  ANNIE!! She was so excited and wouldn't let go of it all night!
We decorated huge gingerbread men with the kids, they were pretty proud:

 Can you guess which one is Brian's??
Kong Kong is back and has been up to lots of fun stuff:

 A night with our neighbors looking at Christmas lights at Westside:
 I loved Gwyn's Gingerbread Girl!
 Texas high school football at it's finest...our high school made the semi-finals and got to play in Reliant Stadium where the Texan's play...we went with a group of 2nd grade families, so fun!
 Yes, she can do a cartwheel and is pretty proud of it...videos to come!
A few of my favorite pictures from Jason and his friend Dylan who took our pictures for Christmas cards:

Funny things the kids said this week:
Annie:  Boys are noodle pigs.
Me:  Who said that?
Annie:  Mr. Mike from church (who calls them knuckle heads, ha!  knuckle heads / noodle pigs, same difference!)
Annie (when the fortune cookie dancers came out at the Nutcracker):  Are they from China?

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