Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day is a GOOD Day!

So blessed to be the mom to these sweet kids.  Loved spending the day with them.  Can't explain how lucky I feel to be their mom.  It was what I was meant to do with my life.  Love all my hand written cards from the kids.

 Jacob made a book for me in school, they had a presentation on Friday where they selected a piece to read in front of everyone.  It is filled with lots of wonderful stuff that is no doubt the best book I have ever received!

Spent the day playing outside and swimming.  Jacob found a few frogs that he and Annie loved holding, while Gwyn and I would scream if they brought them too close!

 Gwyn's pic of me:)
 Can't get enough of this little girl!  Their 6U team made it to the championship, which is next Saturday.  I've decided to teach her every softball cheer/chant I know, so the other team won't know what hit them!
 How cute is this girl?
 We dropped by Gwyn's lunch to take her McDonald's after Annie's gymnastics, a special treat for my special girl!
 I love Gwyn's sentences.
 She had to draw the life cycle of a butterfly:)
 Yes, I'm that mom, bragging about the 6 page math test that Jacob was the only one who made a 100 on!
 Jacob's artwork, a bit creepy!

 I had Muffins with Moms at Annie's school.  We had to swipe chocolate chip muffins from another table:)
 What a good sister, cheering for her brother's team who is still hanging on in his baseball playoffs and play again tomorrow night!
 My sweet Annie had a pretty bad strawberry that she's milking for all it is worth!
 Swim team has started!
 We took the girls to see the ballet Sleeping Beauty...both of mine fell asleep!

 Gwyn's Girl Scout troop end of year party, so fun!

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