Friday, May 2, 2014

Trip trip to Kansas City...Annie as a Flower Girl!

We had a very quick, but fun trip to Kansas City for Brian's cousin Angie's wedding.  Annie was a flower girl, and Jacob and Gwyn had the job of guest book...a job that Gwyn was great at, but one that Jacob was not so great at, ha!  Sweet kids were sick of me taking their pictures!

Annie with Brian's cousin Brooke, Angie's sister, the Maid of Honor:
My three little pumpkins:

The twins had a rough trip as each had been sick, poor Stacy and Justin had their hands full, this was the only pic I got of the five of them.  My kiddos were so excited to see them:
After pictures and before the wedding, we got a ride in the limo...Jacob was one cool cat:
G came along for the ride:
Annie met a new friend named Sadie, so sweet:
Me and Annie at the reception:
Pre-dancing pic:
Brian got to dance with all his girls, the pics didn't come out great because of the lighting.  All the kids danced the night away, Jacob danced with me, but he wasn't having any of that slow "adult" dancing as he called it, it was the dinner-making-dancing-in-the-kitchen kind of moves we were doing!
Waiting to catch the bouquet:

These girls love their Daddy!
Gwyn with Angie:

Annie was enjoying her day in the sun:
I had to dig to find these gems from Stacy's wedding where Gwyn was a flower girl, not quite 2 and Jacob was 3:

Annie getting ready for the wedding:
Annie's favorite part?  The plane ride, if you can see from her tray, she's got two drinks, teddy grahams, pretzels, peanuts and a cookie...she was in heaven!
My little Piranha at her last swim lesson, how cute is that swim cap!

Jacob's baseball pic, he's still trying to figure out how to smile with those two big front teeth!
Sue monogrammed these cute shirts for Gwyn, she's worn them all week!

Jacob got the game ball the other night, their last regular season game.  He starts playoffs next week.  Softball and baseball is winding down, Gwyn's last regular season game was last night and she got a home run...she was super stoked!
Here is a video of a triple:

Lastly, Brian is busy at work installing his 3 1/2 year project in the Gulf of Mexico for Chevron.  He just broke their company history with an installation over 6,900 ft deep in the ocean this week.  He's the Project Manager on the project and pretty much rocking' it!  Keep up the good work:)

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