Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Softball and Baseball Season is Over...Kind of:)

Gwyn's little softball team made it to the championship playoffs, they lost the game to a team they had already beaten twice this year...they were having an off game and the Pink Panthers were having an "on" game.  Nevertheless, Gwyn got two doubles and received a trophy that she thought was the greatest thing ever.  She was super proud, but maybe not as proud as her number 1 fans above, Jacob and Annie who were dressed in their battle red and armed with a foam #1 finger and a pom pom...Gwyn has a brother and sister who love her dearly!
 Gwyn and a few of her sweet friends:
 The team about to get their trophies:
 Me and this little left handed girl:
 Yes, we were the obnoxious team of parents with their cars shoe polished!
 Jacob's team did awesome this year as well, they finished a bit too early for me, so close to winning that last game.  They made it to the gold bracket of their 8U division, and came in I guess about 8th place out of 36 teams.
 This little one was super stoked about getting to be on swim team, practices have begun.  She is doing so great and is even practicing with both the 6U and the 1/2 lappers for extra practice.  She loves being on Jacob and Gwyn's team...go Piranhas!
 Sweet Annie and her friends got to do something fun while the big kids are still in school!
 Annie and Emerson and their new friend they met in Old Navy:
 Cutest thing ever:
 Jacob and Gwyn's Spring pictures came back.  I dressed Gwyn in the exact same outfit as I did for the Fall pictures, and Jacob the same shirt just in a different color...I'm getting my money out of those outfits, ha!

 This awesome kid lost tooth #7, he pulled it himself while at school so that he could go to the nurses' office and get this tiny little box to take it home in.  He also made the 8U Select tournament team for June, so we've got another month of baseball for this boy!
 Annie always dressed and ready for swimming:
 How beautiful is this precious girl??
 Absolutely love this!  Gwyn told Annie to color in her name in the driveway as she got on the bus and went off to school.  Annie finished the whole thing, even had to switch to white chalk when the blue ran out because big sister gave her a job and she had to finish!
 I can never get enough of these!
 Jason got a homemade card from Gwyn for his birthday. Is this not the coolest card ever?
Jacob has started doing multiplication tables to 12, and I was telling the kids how I loved doing them and made it to the 5 minute club (all three tables: addition, subtraction, and multiplication), but I always got beat by David Bradford.  Annie started saying, David Bradford, we'll get him for beating Mommy and doing this crazy thing:

I sent this to David Bradford and he showed his daughter who made him take and send me a picture of his 4 minute club trophy from Garfield elementary...I said, that's so wrong, I only got a button and he got a trophy!  I never knew that!!

A video of Gwyn getting her trophy:

Funny things the kids said this week:
Brian to Jacob:  What kind of a car do you want to drive when you turn 16?
Jacob:  A limo.
Brian:  To be driven around in, or are you going to drive it.
Jacob:  I'll drive it, and pick up all my friends. (ha!)

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