Thursday, October 23, 2014

Annie turns 5!

My sweet Annie Jaye is 5...hard to believe how fast time goes by.  I took this picture before she got on the bus, love having a picture on the day of their birthday.  She is my funny, spunky, crazy kid with the coolest personality.  We love her to pieces!  She loves to play with Jacob and Gwyn, her new American Girl, likes to eat strawberries and cucumbers, and LOVES, LOVES, LOVES all things crafty...she will sit at the table for hours filling out notebooks, drawing, coloring, etc.  Can't imagine our life without her!  She liked having 5 donuts for breakfast:
 I took a birthday treat up to her classroom, she requested cookie cake!
 She had dance class right after school:

 After dinner at home we headed to the American Girl shop to buy her an American Girl for her birthday...she was one happy little girl and has not stopped playing with it!  She has been waiting for this day since Gwyn got hers when she turned 5!
 Her birthday party was a great hit, it was supposed to be a soccer party, but ended up being a party with friends at the pool playground with a soccer piñata and bounce house.  The kids had a great time.

 So many kids...we included all siblings, so there are really only about 15 families, but about 40 kids!

 Annie let the piñata have it!
 Gwyn showed off her softball swing:
 Jacob went to town:
 Another one of Brian's masterpieces:

 Yes, this looks like a  good idea, let's take the piñata stick into the bounce house with 30 kids:

 Jacob had a baseball tournament over the weekend, it was his first kid-pitch games and he did great!  He loved having both sets of grandparents there to watch him:

 Sisters doing what sisters do at the ball park:
 My soccer star, she was determined to score a goal, and she did...just for the other team!
 Gwyn had Kody the class pet for the weekend so we had to document its activities and she had to write about it on Monday...Kody had a busy weekend...two soccer games, 4 baseball games, 3 birthday parties!
 A preview of the Michael Jackson wig that Jacob will be wearing on Annie for Halloween:
 My sweet Gwyn:

 Love my boy!
 All 3 loving having their picture taken before the bus:
 Sweet sisters, Annie wanted her picture taken just with Gwyn...and I had someone tell me that they saw Gwyn walk Annie to class, and then she gave her a hug before she went back to her class.  Such sweet sisters!
 I cleaned out the craft cabinets yesterday and found this note that Gwyn had written...Annie and Jacob are bossy! Love it!
 Gwyn drew our family in sidewalk chalk:
 School pictures came in, love my kiddos and their precious smiles!

Here are a few videos from the week:

Was super excited to get Jacob's first at bat as lead off against kid pitch (first time he has ever hit off a 9 yr old kid) on video, and it was an awesome hit!!

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