Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween was the BEST!

We had an amazing Halloween!  The kids had been looking forward to this day for awhile...imagine counting down since September, ha!  Jacob wanted to be Michael Jackson, and he was...from head to toe.  It was pretty awesome, everyone loved his costume and if there had been a contest, he so would have won!  Love that kid!

 Gwyn made one beautiful Elsa...the wig lasted about 2 hours, which I thought was great.  Love my sweet Gwyn!

 Annie Jaye chose to be Anna from Frozen...very appropriate since she is the little sister and Gwyn was Elsa...her wig only lasted about 3 minutes for these pictures:)  Love my little say she is the ham of the three is an should see the pictures that I didn't post on this blog, ha!

 What a good looking little think all these kids come from us and only 2 of our neighbors!

 Sweet sisters:

 We hit the neighborhood boo parade, which was really just hanging out, eating pizza before trick or much fun!
 3 of the probably 45 Elsa's that I saw:
 Jacob with one of his buddies:

 Gwyn got off the bus on Thursday, felt a little warm and said her throat hurt.  I took her in when Brian got home from work, and sure enough, strep throat...she chose getting a shot of antibiotics, which would start working immediately, so that she would be 100% for trick or girl!  She got to stay home with me and Brian on Friday, but was feeling fine!
 Annie had the book character parade at school on Halloween, so of course she went as Anna and took her Frozen this parade, the whole school lines the hallways and cheer for the kids as they walk by, even the 5th graders who you kind of expect to be jerks by then, but they all cheered, you should have seen Annie's face, she loved it!  She said, I saw Jacob, he cheered for me, and he was standing by Elizabeth...oh how I love to have two little informers / reporters on Jacob...poor kid will get away with nothing, ha!

 Ready for the rest of the day:
 Oh, one of Brian's favorite times of the year...Jacob had baseball practice the same time as the pumpkin carving party.  Brian made sure I was taking Jacob because he had party to go to, ha!  He was of course a hit, had a crowd of kids and adults surrounding him as he carved out this masterpiece:
 Trying to play it cool, but knows he's the man!
 Jacob carved this one himself and it looked awesome!
 Gwyn had some help from her Daddy:)
 You know it is serious when Brian gets his pumpkin carving tools, he now has a little tool bag to carry them all in since he's professional and all!
Who would have known when I met him and he was 19 that he was going to become such an amazing Dad and husband?  Love him!
 Jacob's pumpkin lit looked pretty wicked!
 Who needs to stand in the 2 hour line at Disney to meet Elsa, when she comes to the school's book fair at Barnes and Noble?  ha!
 Gwyn in front of her art, which was displayed at Barnes and Noble during the Book Fair:
 Annie's class had a field trip to the pumpkin patch, so much fun:
 Annie with her sweet friends:
 Her class is the cutest:

 This little boy wanted his picture taken with Annie and chased her around until I made her sit and get his picture with him.  He wanted her to sit on the pumpkin right beside him, but she kept her girl, ha!

Fall Festival at RCE was fun, and of course we came back with spray painted hair!

 My pumpkin for Fall Festival...I was pretty proud:

 Yes, that is an "Overall Best" ribbon!!  The kids said Mommy is better at decorating pumpkins and Daddy is better at carving them.  I'm just glad that Brian gives me this one thing, otherwise there wouldn't be a competition, ha!
 The kids have had non-stop fun with these little melting witches that Sue and Rick brought them...too fun!
 One of the best gifts for Annie, she is attached to her American Girl doll and is ready to take it, even next door to play, she needs to wear this, ha!

 Love Annie's pictures of me, her and Brian:
 Sweet friends reading outside:
A few videos from the last week, this one of Annie I just can't stop watching:

Love my girls playing together:

Jacob trying to teach Gwyn goalie kicks:

Annie makes up words according to the pictures when she reads books:

The book character parade:

Funny things the kids said this week, Annie is cracking us up lately:

Annie:  I want to sleep in Mommy's belly.
Jacob:  You already had a chance to do that, but you chose to get born and have a life instead of stealing all moms nutrients and giving her lots of cavities.
Me to Annie:  I need you to be nice and a good sister to your brother.
Annie:  Okay, but I need to be in charge of him.

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