We had a very Merry Christmas with a whirlwind of family visiting from the 19th to the 28th. The kids loved having their cousins here. Elijah just loves Jacob and the girls thought it was fun to play little Mommies to Hannah. Here they are in matching Christmas pjs:
Opening presents for round 1:
A very happy boy, as his last Cardinals jersey was getting a bit small!
The kids enjoyed sitting at the kids table...
Checking out the lights at Westside, Elijah would say "pretty lights."
Rick and Sue with all the grandkids on their 40th wedding anniversary...we got to have a nice dinner out and got a sitter for all the kids.
Biking party of 11, only we could have enough bikes for everyone on one ride!
A stop to play in the playground at the neighborhood pool:
Here is Gwyn making some homemade hot chocolate:
Daddy and Annie both got Legos for Christmas, both are hard at work:
We went to see the Second Baptist Really Really Big Christmas Show and ran into the Willards:
Christmas Eve, making cookies for Santa:
Here are the selected cookies for Santa...Jacob's Angel, Gwyn's Snowman and Annie's Star:
I love how Annie organized her loot:
Christmas pic in front of the tree before opening our family presents:
Jacob got a couple of Fatheads for his room of himself, he loved them!
Brian, Gwyn and Jacob all got electric scooters...they were a hit!
More Lego work:
Little Magician Gwyn trying out some tricks on us:
Jacob got Mexican Train dominoes:
My attempt at Santa bread, no one wanted to eat the red part:
We spent a couple of nights at Jason's house when my mom and dad came into town with Susie. We had fun hanging out, watching movies, swimming in his pool, and opening up more presents! Here is Gwyn on the drums and my dad on guitar during a jam session:
Dad trying out Brian's scooter:
Annie with her new little Ezy Roller that Jason got her, it amazing how fast and good she is at it:
A few videos from the week:
Funny things the kids said this week:
Annie: This cauliflower is off the hook.
Jacob: Cauliflower is broccoli's white cousin.
Annie: And it tastes like nothing.
Jacob to Annie when she said she didn't have any money for a book at Barnes and Noble: Just lose some more teeth.
Annie: This medicine tastes like junk, or no, maybe trash.
7 years ago
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