Friday, December 19, 2014

Santa Clause is Coming to Town!

We are excited about Christmas and have enjoyed making some fun memories this Christmas season over the past couple of weeks.  We took the kids to see Santa, this time Annie asked for a Santa hat, she has not said the same thing twice, ha!  Gwyn and Jacob have asked for electric scooters, so we'll see if they are on the nice list or not, ha!  We enjoyed the lights at Westside, I took Jason's awesome camera and got a few cool shots:

 Reindeer day at school, we've  got one Rudolph and a dancer and a dasher.  Brian wanted to know why they were going as brown nosers, but they don't know that term, they were just going as regular reindeer which do in fact have brown noses, ha!

 If you are ever missing Annie, look by the Christmas village or by the crafts in the kitchen, two places she could spend entire days at by herself.  She loves this !
 I saw she had set all the people up, apparently they were having a town meeting:
 Kong Kong has been at it at our house again, I had one mom tell me that "okay, this thing with your elf has got to stop, already!"  According to her child they have the lamest elf ever, I told her she could thank Brian for that!

Family Christmas coloring contest...everyone received one vote each, so it was a 5 way tie...Jacob couldn't believe it!
 We watched Elf, our favorite Christmas show, so fun!

 Annie apparently thought a my little pony wrapped in a beaded coaster, a wooden Christmas tree, and a lantern ornament made a good addition to the nativity I had set up.
 A picture with Rudolph, that Rudolph looks a bit messed up!
 Breakfast with Santa before Jacob had basketball pictures.

 We watched two sweet friends in Shrek the Musical, so much fun for  the kids:

 Annie had her ballet program, she loved it.  We aren't continuing in the Spring, going to try out some gymnastics, but she did have a great time!
 Big siblings supporting their little sisters!

Here are a couple of videos of their grand performance!

Gwyn also had her end of year Christmas dance fun! My video didn't work, but I got these two pics:

 Jacob and I made this gingerbread tree, while the girls stuck with a gingerbread house!

 All dressed up and ready to go to Christmas parties at school, I had several people ask who made the girls t-shirts, so Sue you might be getting some orders for next year!

 We went caroling in the neighborhood, the kids loved it, and the neighbors did too, except one lady who cracked her door and then turned her lights off mid-song, ha!

A short video of a little caroling:

 Grinch day, wear your green to school, we opted for our St. Pats tshirts for the girls, because we don't have very much green...we're loaded with pinks and purples though!
 I was able to go on Gwyn's field trip to the zoo, which was the absolutely most perfect day, cloud cover, in the 70s and no crowds, her grade was practically there by themselves, and the animals were all out and active!!

 This came home in Annie's bag, I loved it!
 Lots of fun Christmas crafts coming home from school:
Annie telling a couple of stories she learned at school:

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